❁Chapter 5❁

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Chapter 5

It was nearing Saturday, the day that Nora and James would be off to Hogsmeade to get supplies so the pranks could start, properly able to make the couple fall a part in the least cruel way that Nora had told herself.

She was walking down the hallway on Friday night, her laughter filling the air as she talked with Isaac Hall, a friend of hers from fourth year, "I'm telling you, Isaac, if I'm not invited on one of your trips, then I'm having a word with Blair!"

"Trust me, you're always welcome, Nora," Isaac scoffs, shaking his head as he gripped his books, "they're just spontaneous is all, I mean, France was the biggest one, we'd been planning that for years and it was perfect, bloody crazy on the train though."

"I bet, you train hopped for a bit, didn't you?" Nora asked, loving the fact that another adventurer was a student at Hogwarts, she loved adventures, getting the train to new places, mostly, she did it herself seeing as Aubrey didn't live close to her, and Caden was the least adventurous person she knew.

"Oh yeah, not much though, just until we got to kings cross, then we got the train straight to France," Isaac grinned, "lived with a little old woman that we had met on the trains before, she gave us food and beds, but we were out most days, traveling, train hopping in France, it was crazy, we ended up in Paris for a while, too, had enough money for a rundown hotel room, but we loved it."

"Oh, I bet," Nora gasped, shaking her head in disbelief, "that's the dream, isn't it, an adventure in a whole other country!"

"I definitely recommend," Isaac grinned, "I'll see you later, Nora, I promised I'd go meet Blair!"

"See you later!" Nora laughed, waving as she bid him goodbye, dodging students in the hallway as she made her way down.

"Nora, watch ou-" James potter cut himself off as Nora ducked, her eyes wide as she watched the out of control bludger swoop past her head, her head snapping to James who was grinning sheepishly from where he stood with his friends.

"James Potter, you little shi-"

"Now, now, Nora!" James called, ever so slightly backing away as she stomped over to him, "I didn't mean it!"

"Why did you have a bludger in the first place?!" she shrieked, her arms flailing as James caught them, pushing her away from him gently as her arms flailed to whack him, "you absolute twat!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" he exclaimed, unable to keep the amused smile on his lips as his friends watched him suspiciously, "I swear, I didn't mean it."

"I could've died!" she huffed, pulling her arms from his grip, "you could've been a murderer!"

"You wouldn't have died!" he waved her off, scoffing as she glared at him, a frown taking over her lips.

"I could have!" she protested, "bludgers are bloody scary, keep that for the quidditch pitch you absolute head case!" she exclaimed, attempting to push past him when he grabbed her arm.

"Fine, okay," he sighed, "I'm sorry, I promise, seriously, completely, one hundred percent sorry!"

"Tell that to my dead body," she glared, dropping his arm from hers, and pushing out onto the courtyard.

"Girlfriend trouble?" asked Peter, his eyebrow arched as he teased him, "definitely looks like it."

"Oh, shove off, wormtail," James grumbled, rolling her eyes, "barely even know her."

"You say that," Remus piped in, "but you've been spending an awful lot of time with her."

"I have not!" James exclaimed, shaking his head with a frown.

The Breakup Plan •James Potter• |editing|Where stories live. Discover now