❁Chapter 43❁

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Chapter 43

"I feel like I need to visit so many people on the train," Nora giggled as she sat with Aubrey, her feet on the seat and a closed book in her lap. The few weeks after O.W.Ls was more than uneventful, nothing at all had happened to Aubrey or anyone, classes where a bore, so much so that Nora was tempted not to go, they had nothing else to teach, and exams had passed, so anything worth hearing should have been taught before O.W.Ls, Nora was sure she had skipped more than a few times, specifically to spend it with her boyfriend, who of course was a terrible influence.

"Oh, you do," Aubrey nodded, "well, Hazel wishes to see her friends first before she comes and finds me, so I can only assume that you're doing the same with James?" the smirk on her lips widened as Nora rolled her eyes, chuckling as she done so. Nora had met Hazel more than a few times and she loved the girl, her and Aubrey together where entirely adorable, more loved up than Nora thought Aubrey would ever be with anyone, in fact, she was so infatuated with Hazel, that the hufflepuff was sure she was seeing a completely different side to the girl.

It was odd, really, seeing Aubrey like this, but at the same time it was wonderfully adorable, in the most innocent of ways, she liked to touch Hazel, whether their shoulders brushed, or Aubrey's head leaned on the girl, or their hands tightly held each other's, they craved the feeling of each other close, but thankfully, Hazel was the exact same. Hazel had told Nora that she had liked Aubrey for so long, sending the incredibly dense Slytherin's multiple hints that she liked her, but none of them worked, so one day, instead of subtly flirting with the girl like she had been doing, or rubbing her arm, or sending her smiles, Hazel, instead, simply grabbed the girls face and kissed her, she didn't want to stop, and when Aubrey kissed her back just as forceful, pulling the girl closer by the front of her shirt did Hazel know that she made the right decision, the perfect decision to do what she had done.

"I need to see Finn and Milo, too," Nora shrugged, "they sit with Addy, it's a tradition, I swear they're crazy, and I'll see James on the platform anyway, merlin I'm going to miss him."

"You'll see him in a few weeks though, right?" asked Aubrey, watching Nora as she nodded, a small smile twitching onto her lips that she was talking about James. Occasionally she found herself thinking of how it happened, of the time it clicked that he liked Lily Evans, rushing to the great hall to find him, knowing that he and his friends always went to class late, it was easy to find him.

They clicked instantly, unknowing to each other, sarcastic remarks, and easy smiles, they were a match made quickly. So much had happened after that day, but it was meant to, they helped Lily out of what was a terrible relationship, a disgusting relationship, it still disgusted Nora, she still had the occasional nightmare.

But with every nightmare, James would be there ready, even half asleep he knew what he had to do, "it's not really, baby girl, it's not re- hey, look at me! Come on love, it's alright, you're with me," he would repeat, her face in his hands, her tears wiped with his thumb, her hair pushed out of her face with the tips of his fingers, softly running them through her hair, his lips on hers quickly to calm her breathing, Nora even found him reading a book about how to help her, speaking, "did you know the Library doesn't only do magic books?"

She swore her heart swelled.

"Yeah, I suppose," she shrugged, a sigh tumbling from her lips as she pulled her legs into a basket, "it'll just be odd, not seeing him every day, I mean. It's odd not seeing you every day, I miss you so much, but I hope you and Hazel have a good summer, I assume you're spending it together?"

"I wanted to, first summer with a girlfriend," Aubrey shrugged, "this doesn't mean that you can't come visit, I don't care what my family say, you're welcome any time, to me, and Hazel loves you, and I love James, so he can come too, and Remus, too, instead of leaving him alone, seeing as you will be when you go to the city of loveeee," she drawled out the love, a smirk on her lips and her eyebrows wiggling.

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