❁Chapter 50❁

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Chapter 50

She leaned against the side of the window, adorned in a dress that James had bought for her, they had explored the night life of Paris for hours, and now she was reflecting, her eyes sparkling with delight as she looked out at the view. She could open the door to the balcony, a small one, but able to see the lights better, said one of the workers of the fancy Hotel, James' parents had stayed before, they recognised the name.

She preferred the lights where she stood, content, in her own little world, as she stood in the red dress, tight until the waist, thin straps that decorated her shoulder, showing off her skin, and soon did it flow down, just cut off mid her shin, it was extravagant, beautiful, she enjoyed twirling in it solely to see the way the dress puffed in the air.

She had taken off the heels she wore, slightly higher than she wished, and more than once did she have to hold onto James solely to help her walk. He looked as handsome as ever in the suit he wore, she had to stop herself from staring more than what was appropriate in public, but she simply couldn't help herself.

It was as though they were famous, or rich, fancy, important people, and not two teenagers who decided to run away for a while, it was exciting to her, but it had to end at some point, and strangely, amidst the power she had received from the way she was treated, she really didn't mind going back to shorts and James' t-shirts, in all honestly, the glitz and the glam, whilst enjoyable, simply wasn't her.

But for the time being she would bask in it, stare at the jewellery decorating her wrist, the chain around her neck, her makeup that she had done for a night the two had spent together, her hair tumbling down her back with a flower piece flowing down it effort, she felt like a princess, and merlin she looked like one.

James watched her intently as she stared at the view, he lay on the bed they shared, in the suit he wore during their time together, only was the bow tie now half off his neck and the first two buttons now undone. The suit jacket was thrown over a chair, as was the odd scarf thing - Nora's words - that Nora wore around her arms, she wasn't quite sure what it was, maybe to keep her arms warm, but it didn't exactly make her feel warm, it just made her look that bit fancier.

So maybe that's what it was for.

Her head leaned on the wall beside her as she watched the Eiffel tower in front of her, in the distance, radiating with beauty, sparkling with a million lights, it was gorgeous, but the full city was gorgeous, she came for the views, and she stayed for the views.

But as well, she stayed for James.

The James who had slowly stood up, making his way towards her, silently, slowly wrapping his arms around her waist, resting on her stomach, brushing his lips up her arm, slowly kissing her shoulder, moving to her collar bone, and soon her neck as her eyes closed, as she stood there, now leaning on his chest, gnawing at her bottom lip, "are you really teasing me in Paris?" she asked, hearing his muffled chuckles as he gripped her tighter.

He slowly brushed her hair away from her neck, his fingertips dancing along the skin, and soon did his lips find her neck again, sucking softly on the skin, nibbling as she gasped, slowly moving her head to the side, her eyes closed as the feeling creeped up her spine.

"Can you believe we're in Paris?" he whispered, finally stopping what he was doing, finally leaning his head on her shoulder, a quick kiss to her cheek and he was done, watching the view with her, finding happiness with her in his arms.

"I really can't," she whispered, shaking her head, "we've had a night of glamour, and it's been so lovely, it's been beautiful and elegant, but it's not me, it's not us, I just want you James, I want us, not Mr Potter and Miss Robinson, not fancy jewellery and expensive dinner, I want James and Nora, I want the James who I showed the tree house to, the one who plays pranks, who doesn't care that he has money, but uses it when he wants to."

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