❁Chapter 26❁

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Chapter 26

It was blurry, his vision as he stumbled forward, his breath caught in his throat, completely ignorant to the boy standing above him, leaning over the sides with wide eyes, choking back a sob as he realised what he had done.

He was terrified of the outcome, terrified that the girl he was falling further and further for was hurt badly, that she hadn't made it. He tried not to think of it as he fell to the ground beside her, his hand on her cheek, his tears spilling onto her skin as his protests rung through the silent forest.

"Nora," he sobbed, running a hand through her hair, pressing his head to hears, "love, please," he croaked out, slapping her face, taking her hand, he was so scared.

But then, it happened, she wasn't dead, she wasn't completely lifeless, her chest was moving, slowly, but surely. James watched, eyes blinking, a specific relief engulfing his body as he watched, tranced by the sight of her chest moving, up and down peacefully, calmly.

She would survive.

"James I-"

He felt a hand on his shoulder, it changed his view, his perspective, his sadness was overruled by anger for more than a moment.

It happened so fast.

He grabbed Caden's arm, twisting it backwords and ignoring the yelp that let out of the boys mouth, his eyes narrowed, a scowl on his lips as he pushed the boy against a tree, his hand over his neck as he held him up, "I will kill you if you even look at her," he spat, ignoring the boys protests as he shoved him once again, rougher, this time, "you better get the fuck out of here before I do it now."

His voice was calm, oddly calm as his eyes darkened at the boy clawing the boys neck with his hand, he only stopped when he let out a sob, choking and coughing when James let him fall to the ground, and with one swift kick to the boy's torso, he growled, "I said leave!"

He watched Caden as he stumbled, crawling his way away from James and soon did he stand upright, taking a risky glance back at James before rushing away.

"J-James," the boy's eyes widened as he turned, seeing Nora's eyes flutter open, pain engulfing her body, a sob escaping her lips as her eyes stared at the stars through the trees, trying her best to ignore every ache that her body offered her, ever burn, ever scar.

"Oh, baby girl," James croaked, falling to his knees beside her, he stroked her cheek, wiping the tears that fell from her eyes, he knew she was in pain, it was inevitable, and because of it, he was in pain too, "I'm going to get you out of here, you won't be in pain, I promise."

"I'm alright," she whispered, wincing when she moved her head to stare at him, blinking away the tears, "I'm fine!"

James frowned as he leaned down, capturing her lips in his softly, this wouldn't have happened if he didn't walk out on her, if he didn't leave his dorm then she wouldn't have gone after him, they would've been celebrating the fact that she was cousins with his best friend.

Not worrying that she would die.

"You're not fine, love," James whispered, wincing when a yelp escaped her lips when he tried to lift her, "it's going to hurt, baby girl, but I won't let it hurt for long, I promise."

"He t-tried to do things, James," Nora whispered, her voice shaky, her stomach bubbling with disgust that she once felt, "h-he was kissing my neck, he was whispering awful things to me."

"Don't think about him, love," James muttered, trying his best to keep the anger from rising in him once again, his eyes had evidently darkened but as he found Nora's, they softened once again, "he'll pay for what he done, Nora, I promise you, I'll kill him."

The Breakup Plan •James Potter• |editing|Where stories live. Discover now