❁Chapter 32❁

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[if you're wondering why this chapter has been published again, scroll to the bottom

edit: there's a second a/n again so scroll to the bottom if you got an update nejrjwjwnekw]

Chapter 32

"I'm glad to get out of that school," Caden huffed, slapping his dads back with a grin, "I'll just chill about the house now, summer always, am I right?"

"Nora is pressing charges," Isabelle spoke up, her eyes narrowing into a glare as she stared at her son, her arms crossed over her chest and her lips pursed. She felt sick, physically sick as she stared at her son, at the boy she had raised to be a kind, loving person, to respect others, to radiate happiness.

Not to drain it.

"What?!" Caden screeched, wide eyed, "she can't, I could go to Azkaban, you have to get lawyers!"

"Don't tell us what to do," Isabelle snapped, shaking her head as she walked from the living room to the kitchen, Caden hurrying behind her.

"Mum- don't you trust me?" asked Caden, "Nora is nothing but an attention seeking slu-"

"Don't you dare!" Isabelle shrieked, turning suddenly to stare at him, watching his eyes widen as he realised that his mother had never shouted at him before, never raised her voice at all, "don't you dare disrespect her like that, after what you did to her!"


"Don't, Caden," she shook her head, "you deserve to go to Azkaban for what you have done, I will not fight for you after the pain you have caused two girls. You're a liar, and a cheat, and you have attempted to do very bad things, young man, and you are not my son, my son would never do anything like this!"

"I'm not your son?!" he shouted, wide eyed, "i am your son, and I am innocent, she's just an attention seeker that wants to see me go down."

"Then take the Veritaserum!" Isabelle snapped, taking a step back so that she wouldn't hurt the boy, "prove your innocence."

"I-I can't-" he whispered, his shoulders slumping as he eyed his father entering the kitchen, a sigh tumbling from the man's lips as he walked to his wife, "d-dad."

"You did something Caden," David spoke, his eyes slightly darker, "you did something bad, something terrible, and now two girls are going to have to live with that pain for the rest of their lives, all at the hands of you. You deserve punishment, and expulsion is simply not enough, Nora pressing charges is something we thought would happen from the start.

It's something that was bound to happen, something that deserved to happen, when she found out about the abuse you gave Lily, it was a no brainer, she changed her mind, she didn't press charges for herself, but for Lily, for the pain you caused her, and then, for the pain you caused Nora.

Nora is having nightmares because of you, because of what you did to her, the vile acts you have acted out haven't affected you because you have never been punished for your actions before, you have never had to think about what your actions cause, so now, in Azkaban, maybe this will help you reflect on the consequences.

Of how you can better yourself."

"I-I'm only fifteen, I can't go to Azkaban, I-I'm too young!" he exclaimed, his arms flailing around, wide eyed as he leaned against the counter, "I didn't know better!"

"You did!" Isabelle screamed, watching him jump at the harshness of his mother's voice, a drastic difference from the once soft and gentle voice she usually possessed, "you are not a baby, Caden, you are a young man who knows the difference between right and wrong!"

The Breakup Plan •James Potter• |editing|Where stories live. Discover now