❁Chapter 20❁

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Chapter 20

"James," Nora giggled, watching him as he turned and quickly snapping a picture of him, watching as the small square of paper developed out of the far side. she grabbed it, waiting for it to show and soon did James' face, with furrowed eyebrows and a slight frown stare back at her, diving Nora into another fit of giggles, something that she had been doing all morning.

"You're so bloody cute," James whispered, reaching up to move the hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear before guiding her closer to him, pushing himself up to meet her halfway. He pressed his lips to hers softly, a smile undeniably pushing through as he savoured the perfect feeling.

"Y'know, James," Nora tutted, moving over him to place her camera on the bedside table, "I think you just want to kiss me, and that's it," she shook her head, feigning disappointment as the amused smile captured James' lip, "I mean, I'm a person, James, not just lips!"

"Don't start with me Nora Robinson," he smirked, pushing himself forward so that his forehead rested against hers, his hand tracing soft patterns along her thigh, "you want me just as much as I want you."

"And how much is that?" she asked, a smirk of her own matching his as her eyes slowly trailed to his lips, biting her own as her eyes found his, sure that his had grown darker as he moved to brush his lips with hers, taking her lip between his teeth gently before pushing himself forward.

A squeal left her lips as she laughed, clutching onto his shirt as he hovered over her, pressing soft kisses to her neck as her giggles tumbled from her lips, "that tickles, James," she whispered, pulling his head back to look at her, the smile unmissable as she stared at him.

"What?" he asked, a smile of his own evident on his lips as he stared at her.

"Nothing," she whispered, shaking her head with another laugh, "it's just- unexpected, really, we didn't even talk until this year."

"I wish we did," James nodded, moving to lie his head on her stomach, his hand finding her waist as his fingers danced atop of her skin, oblivious to the goose bumps his touch made, "if I had you before I'd be the happiest person on this earth."

She smiled softly, whilst neither of them had brought up the thought of them being 'official' they didn't think they needed to, it was obvious that they both wanted each other, and whilst it would be nice for them to officiate it, right now, wrapped up with each other was perfectly fine, more than fine, actually, it was a gift.

"You have me now," she whispered, smiling softly as she leaned down to kiss his forehead, "but I think we should get up if we are leaving."

"So, wise," James smirked, pushing himself up and reaching for her hand, "y'know I don't think it's very fair that you get to see me shirtless all the time, and I don't."

"Oh yeah, it's terrible that you don't get to see yourself shirtless," Nora smirked teasingly, pushing him away with a laugh tumbling from her lips, "you like being shirtless, it could be freezing in here, and you'd still take your top off."

"I'm just giving you a treat," he winked, watching the hufflepuff roll her eyes, "come on, you like what you see!"

"I never said I didn't," she scoffed, her eyebrow raised, "y'know one day that ego of yours is going to explode."

"I speak the truth," he grinned, moving to slip his arm around her waist, "I was only joking, love."

"Oh, so you don't want to see me shirtless?" she asked, an amused smile widening on her lips, "alright then, your loss."

"You're just as bad as me!" he exclaims, shaking his head as he watched her curiously as she moved to her trunk that the two had collected from her dorm at the start of break. Silently, she pulled out a dress suitable for winter, knitted and comfortable that would work well with traveling, placing it on James' bed with tights and her converse, and not long after did she take off the hoodie of James', leaving her in her bra and the shorts that she wore to bed.

The Breakup Plan •James Potter• |editing|Where stories live. Discover now