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Being aformer athlete myself I know how it goes down, warm ups, runs around the fieldand practice till the end of the training period, its bad enough kids thesedays are not exactly all that keen in physical education but it is even worsewhen your students aren't even making an effort to participate at all,seriously the numbers are pretty damn startling these years. Still I have to domy job because based on the job requirement I am supposed to educate them onleading healthy lives and everything. Just goes to show you that being a Gymteacher isn't exactly my calling, in fact it kind of undermines my potentialdoesn't it? True, but what can I do? I did choose this after all, I could havebeen on the national track team but I chose to do this because, well, I guesslife just had other plans for me. I didn't decide to be the reckless drunkdriver and I most certainly wasn't prepared for the accident. End of my career,I totally avoid bars now, too many painful memories. I glance at my studentsall yelling and screaming and reckless without a care and shake my head, theysure have a long way to go. When people asked me why I didn't go back intotrack after I recovered I just told them that I had lost my momentum.   I avoided coach's phone calls and cut off all contacts with my schoolmates. Juniper, I missed her, I missed her still and always will, but I had to move on. Just then I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, who could be calling me now? I checked and it is an unknown number. I answer it anyway and to my surprise find myself talking to the voice I have not heard in three years. "Sis? Its Will..."

I drive to the airport as fast as I can the moment school ends, she was waiting for me at the airport and she didn't sound too good. She didn't even tell anyone she was coming, something must be up, and maybe it was her boyfriend, what was his name? I forgot, Will never spoke much about him. I reach the airport and scan the crowd for a red head. Will was the only red head in our family and this just made her more intriguing, at least that's what I thought she looked like, I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see a woman who looks very thin with long black hair, I blink trying to take in her appearance. "Hi, it's been a while" she says quietly giving me a nervous smile. This woman sounded like my sister, but she looked like a character out of the Rocky Horror Show "Will?'' I whisper, she glances at my shocked expression and sighs. Not wanting to make it even more awkward I forced a smile and hugged her. It wasn't the usual hug we sisters gave in fact it felt like a reluctant one. There was so much to talk about and I could feel the amounting of secrets brimming inside her. She didn't look well at all for starters and second of all she left New York without a reason.

The drive home was brutally quiet, usually she would probably be complaining about some idiot who ruined her shoot or something just to kill time. But nothing came out of her mouth; it just remained firmly pressed in a thin line. Her appearance didn't make things any better; she was pale and incredibly thin. She stared out the window all the way home, not even turning to look at me. Dinner was even quieter; I heated up the leftover food I had made the day before. I stare at her in surprise watching her wolf everything down in one bite. My cooking, isn't the best cooking in the world, I should know, my son Casey's face is more than enough to show how awful it was. But watching her eat made me think of a child who has been deprived of food for about a good three months. She must have caught me staring because she slowed down and said "Food's good." I smile at her and make my way to the living room. I sit on the couch trying to compose myself, why do I have this overwhelming feeling in my chest whenever I look at her? And why do I have the sudden urge to cry? I needed to call Eva, it was better if everyone was here, at least that's how I felt. 

Choice of song for this moment: Homecoming- Kanye West

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