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The attire they gave us at Greystone is this white gown that is almost translucent. I had to wear my sweater over the gown so as to not draw attention, not that I had much attention, the mental institution is mostly empty and I'm just one of the few patients who were admitted. I belonged to an exclusive club, obviously. I was sitting in the leisure room which is just an empty room with a small television set, when I hear an announcement that said that I was to report to the meeting area because I had a visitor.

I trudged toward the meeting room feel a little drowsy because I had just taken some of their shitty medication. I saw a woman sitting at the far end of the room near the window. I stopped dead in my tracks when I caught a glimpse of her. Long dark brown curly hair, pale skin, Mom? I wanted to turn right back but the official placed a hand on my back and gently pushed me toward her. I squinted my eyes trying to make sense of what I saw, this couldn't be Mom, Mom was in another facility and they hadn't decided on whether to let her out. This person had the same mannerisms as Mom but there was sternness in her face that didn't exist on my Mom's. I knew her, I knew who she was. She wasn't my Mom.


Eva gave me a nod as I sat down on the chair opposite hers, only a small table separated us. I glowered at her, what was she doing here?

" Will." She began then ran a hand through her hair. " I think.... Okay, I really don't know what I'm doing here, but I just wanted to talk."

I just continued to stare at her.

" I don't really know where to start."



Finally she said " Will we cant keep having this Cold War I think its time we tried to solve this issue we have between us."

" Issue?"

" Don't play dumb, you and I both know we were never the best of friends, which is why, I have come to make peace with you."

I narrowed my eyes at her, " Peace? What? Did you suddenly take a psychology class to try to sort me out or something? Or have you been in the self-help section too long?"

Her mouth twitched and I knew I was about to face the wrath of Eva but surprisingly she just sighed and said, " Will why don't we just try to get along? For Ava's sake. Also I really do want to help you."

" You want to help me?"

She gave me an encouraging smile, the only time she'd ever smiled at me.

" You have got to be either high on something or a little tipsy sister because you and I both know that what you just said was absolute bull."

He smile fades instantly and her face turns into a dangerous glare, she looked a bit like Mom.

" I think you have wasted enough time and mine as well, bye." I said getting up from my seat when she suddenly grabbed my arm.

" What have you got against me? I came here to make peace but you've continuing to act like a little bitch to me."

" Eva, you know why I'll never listen to the crap you tell me, I loathe you. I always have and if you really want to know ,why don't you ask Brad for the full story, I'm sure he'd be happy to tell you."

Her face went pale. Brad. Her ex-boyfriend. His name left a bad taste in my mouth. That monster. She let go of my hand and stood up,

" You are one crazy, manipulative bitch, and you know that. You are sick and extremely immature and guess what? you'll continue to rot here because this is where you belong."

I got up and smiled triumphantly at her " Kiss my boney ass." 

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