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I was furious at Will for bringing up my ex-boyfriend. She knew anything that had anything to do with him was taboo, in our family especially after what it did to our family. Brad. He was my only serious boyfriend. She ruined it for us as well. She humiliated me and him. She drove our Mother insane and broke our family entirely. I drove straight to Ava's house and barged through her door. I must have startled Casey because the moment he saw me come in he immediately got up. " What is with you?" Ava hissed. I turned toward her and she saw the look on my face and immediately guess "Will?" I nodded and went into the kitchen and sat down. Ava came in a few minutes later with a serious look on her face with her arms folded, she looked like Mom when she did that. 

" I went to see her." 

" Really?"

" It was so..."

" Shitty?"

" Yeah"

She sat in the chair opposite me and I leaned forward and placed my face into my palms. I then felt a hand on my shoulder, so i looked up and saw Ava staring at me with a sympathetic look. " She is so difficult." I simply said. To my surprise she nods her head. " Will was never easy, she was born that way." Ava says after a few minutes of silence. Our sister, the crazy woman. The weirdo, the problem child, the psycho. I hated her, she ruined things for me, for us all. She broke our family apart. She drove our Mother insane. Just then we heard the sound of Ava's telephone in the living room.

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