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" Okay, that's it." Josh says frustrated by my stubbornness. "Eve we are taking a break." I glare at him but he just rolls his eyes and takes my laptop from me.

" Get lost Josh, you know I have a lot on my plate."

" Eva the case is over the guy is getting charged and the child will be put in foster care, done."

" There's still some paper work I have to do!" I protested.

Josh just narrows his eyes and says " We are going on a break NOW." I sighed and got up from my desk and mumbled "pain in the neck" at Josh to which he just laughs. Josh was one of my oldest friends and we go way back to the time I first started working at this firm, but his appearance has dramatically changed in the course of the eight years that we had worked together. When we first met he had the messiest hair that I had ever seen even Will's hair looked well groomed compared to his. He smoked a lot and mostly came to work with a hangover, which drove me insane. We fought so much that I lost count, then one day we just stopped. I think it was after he broke it off with his last girlfriend something in him switched. He was depressed for a month but after that he started taking really good care of himself and he got into shape and became a more responsible human being altogether. I don't know what happened between his ex and him but I think it was for the better. We became good friends after that and now I consider him my best friend. Its kind of difficult for people to see us as friends only because they often said that we looked good together, yes, I agree but to be honest I just preferred to look at Josh as a friend, I have no idea what he thought but I liked out platonic friendship, it was special to me. Josh escorted me to my car and we drove to the nearest In-N Out and grabbed some yummy junk food. We then proceeded to eat all in our car and talked about the crappiness of our lives, he at the driver's seat and me at the passengers seat. "I hate my life." I say without hesitation.

" Well look at it this way at least your life isn't as bad as Michael Jackson's or Elvis's."

" I'm not a superstar who did questionable things damn it!"

" I'm just saying! Some people have it worse look at all the cases we've had over the years we have seen the worst of the worst okay! Life isn't pretty anyway."

" I know but I just cant accept my life, Josh I don't like the stress that comes with this family of mine."

Josh looked at me with a look, a strange look, it almost looked like disappointment but he masked it pretty fast. Then he snatched my milkshake from my hand and took a sip earning a punch on his arm from me.

" Look, maybe you are being a little bit too petty."

" Petty?"

" Yes. Sorry but you are incredibly petty."

I don't argue back not because I couldn't I could have easily countered his statement but it was to some degree true. I was pretty selfish and some would say I was high-maintenance. But I knew it and I couldn't help it. There wasn't anything wrong with being a perfectionist okay besides getting on everyone's nerves but you get things done in a very organized manner.

" Life is not perfect E, you should know that."

He put down my milkshake and turned to me and said " Maybe you need to look at things in another way, you've are hard head I get it but sometimes you just got to walk in another persons shoes and see life from their point of view."

"Okay Atticus Finch, what do you suggest I do then?''

" Go see Will."

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