10. Who He's Jealous Of

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***Set after you're dating

Stan is always a worry, he's his best friend and he would feel devastated if you left him for his best friend. He typically will keep an eye out for any occurrences. Although, he doesn't that his jealously control him so there is, for the most part, no big problems. Except for when Stan would be hanging out with you more and more often. Kyle felt his stomach lurch as you would offer to do your homework with Stan and not him.

Kyle was a pretty logical guy, so he would calmly(define calm?) ask you why you've been banging out with Stan.

He felt really stupid when you told him that you were tutoring him.

Stan feels really weird when you hang out with Token. Actually, he remembers that feeling for when he was dating Wendy and she would get paired with guys in class.

He was jealous.

Maybe it was because Token was a close friend of yours or maybe because Token was a total gentleman whereas Stan would tend to be lacking in manners. But, your reassurance was enough to make him feel better, for now.

It's obvious Kenny's pretty confident, but nothing makes him doubt himself like Kyle.

Kyle was the smartest kid in class and had high morals, Kenny didn't have that. That and Kyle had liked you in the past, Kenny just felt like he couldn't compete. But being the [Y/N] you were, you caught on and reassured him multiple times that he was the only one for you.

Cartman hated Craig, a lot. To the point where he would throw Craig off the bus. He didn't like the way Craig would avoid flipping you off, where Craig would smile your way every so often and how you would smile back. But, you tell him every time that you and Craig are just friends. Cartman just has a hard time knowing he might have competition.

Craig was typically the "I don't give two shits" kind of guy. No guy could possibly compete with him.

Spare Clyde. Clyde fucking Donovan.

Clyde was his buddy, his friend. So Craig didn't get why he felt his blood ran cold when he saw you and Clyde laughing together. Why he felt his heart sink when you and Clyde got paired up for a project in class. Why he would ever consider Clyde as competition.

So, Craig would make the move to bluntly ask what the deal is with you and Clyde. You tried, and failed, to keep your laughter in because Clyde was dating Bebe and purely thought you as a little sister.

Tweek is overall a paranoid person, so he would be concerned about any guy that hangs out with you. But especially Jimmy. Jimmy was a funny guy, Tweek was one of those people who took jokes too seriously and would freak out. Tweek didn't really know any other reasons, ones that were valid anyways, why he should be jealous. He just got jealous. So he would come to you with his hair sticking up all over the place and hysterically ask you if you have any interest in Jimmy. He would then interrupt you with an "OH JESUS!" and try to "win you back". You certainly got confused on those days, but would spend minutes or even hours calming Tweek down and telling him you and Jimmy didn't even know each other that well.

Kyle becomes a problem, he's your ex so obviously he'll be cautious. But Kyle still insists that he has the right to hang out with you, so he does. Basically, making Token's blood boil. But, luckily you don't show any signs of wanting to get back together with him so he chills out, for the most part anyways.

He gets jealous of a lot of people who hang out with you, but mostly he gets jealous of Kenny. Kenny is a ladies man and everyone likes him. It hit Butters close to home because for a while when Kenny was sick(more like dead but shush) and couldn't see the guys much, Butters was his replacement. So his sanity basically relied on you reassuring him that you and Kenny were just friends.

Jimmy gets jealous of Stan, he's basically the things Jimmy can't be. One of the cutest guys in school, voted by the girls. Sporty, Jimmy couldn't play sports because of his disability. He just sighs in relief when you convince him that you don't care about his disabilities and that you care about him, not Stan.

God I ship Stendy too much to be healthy.

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