20. Rainy Days

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***After you're dating
***Edited to add Jimmy and Butters

On rainy days, Kyle will make a point to come to your house. Your parents[or/Guardians] would simply roll their eyes but chuckle as you excitedly let him in. A rainy day in South Park was somewhat rare, in South Park it was either snow or sunshine. No in-between. So you and Kyle took advantage of the rainy weather. Umbrellas shrouding both of you from the rain and a mostly-dry tarp underneath you both was all you needed. Small talk wasn't a thing with you both, you both easily got into full-on conversations within minutes. Ranging from school to the future, you both would just talk while the gentle rhythm of the rain lulled you both into ease. That is, until one of the guys managed to pull off something crazy and both Kyle and yourself would need to help them.

Stan hated the rain. He didn't understand why Kyle liked it, he certainly hated it. Stan felt uncomfortable when the rain soaked his clothes and grimaced as rainwater flooded his shoes. When it snowed, the snow stayed frozen. Although, bless everything that you could tolerate his hate of the rain. You two typically hunkered down at his house, trying to avoid his dad and sister, most his dad. You both loved to simply chill out and maybe play some video games while the rain drizzled on outside. And even when the rain stopped and it began snowing again, you both wouldn't get out of the house unless it was an absolute necessity.

Kenny's house was leaky during the rainy days. He mostly spent his days emptying out spare dishes from the rainwater that were used to catch the leakages with. But, he eventually had his older brother and dad deal with it and he decided to let you and Karen hang out with him under the safety of your parent's roof. He couldn't help but sigh contentedly as you got along with Karen. He used to hate the rain, but it warmed up to him as he saw you bond with Karen over it.

He liked the fact that you came over to his house on the rainy days. His mother would make you both camomile tea with lemon as you all took advantage of modern technology. Cartman and yourself would play video games on his Xbox and listen to his mother humming as she baked some sweets for the both of you.

He honestly couldn't give a shit if it was either raining, snowing, or sunny outside. He would simply just continue on with his day. But he knew that you liked the rain, or at least seemed to, so he would go outside with you when everyone else would be indoors. A rainy day in South Park was a rarity, and you took advantage of that. Rain jackets and rubber boots all the way as you both would goof around. He wouldn't tell anybody this, but he thought you looked cute in your rain gear get-up.

He would be trapped in his parent's shop writing down orders on rainy days, so he tended to dislike them. You would typically stride right in for one of your surprise visits and help him make the coffee. People always wondered why a [H/C] haired girl was always behind the counter without an apron and name tag. But found it cute as you would sneak kisses with the cashier boy (Tweek) and giggle at his rosy-dusted cheeks.

Token was all for rainy days. You would always visit him for one of your infamous adventures and climb through his window with a grin. It always marveled him how you always managed to climb through his window like some sort of super heroine. But you would toss him a retractable umbrella and put on a rain cap, then to disappear down to his front yard. As he changed into a warmer sweater and grab the umbrella, you would lead him to the woods to wander the trails. With your cap ignored and in your backpack with raindrops glittering in your hair, you happily chatted with Token. Token couldn't help but smile fondly at you as he though you never looked more beautiful. A romantic kiss in the rain never ceased to make you swoon with his smoothness and wrap your arms around him tightly.

Butters is such a dork when it comes to the rain. He literally run through the run, jump in puddles, and come soaking wet to your house. Typically he's more aware of how you feel, but the rain was an exception. Although you're not that keen on going outside in the rain while in your pajamas, Butters didn't think about that and insists you go out anyways.

He's not the hugest fan of the rain. He likes the sound of it and can appreciate it but he just doesn't like going out in it. The rain makes his crutches slippery and gets water inside them. Although it's kind of illogical, Jimmy can't help but worry that his crutches will get rusty somehow. So you both just tend to stay indoors and chill out. Mainly helping Jimmy with his comedy routines while cuddled up near his family's fireplace.

I was made aware that my last chapter was offensive to some people. I apologize but I'll keep it up because I'm proud of my writing.
I apologize because I realize I never formally gave the readers a warning about possibly offending them, so that is partially my fault. I will soon add a warning to the summary.
Anyways, I apologize, but I like my work. I hope you guys can understand that and tolerate me. I'm sorry I can't make everyone happy, it hurts that people are unhappy with me but I know that I am partially at fault for that. Apologies again,
***Uhm... I like rain, I live in a rainy place lol.

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