21. Studying

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***Set after you're dating

It wasn't exactly rare for the two of you to study together. Since you both were considered "responsible students", you guys had to keep up with that title.
Studying was a way for Kyle and yourself to hang out without adults worrying why one of you got home late. Kyle made sure to make studying as fun as possible, he worried that his smart-side would bore you. But you reassured him that you'd be okay as long as you were with him. Plus, you can't resist the fact that he secretly has red reading glasses he only wears for studying.

Since the encounter with "his future self" fiasco, he's begun taking studying more seriously. He wouldn't admit it, but the thought of himself becoming some drugged-up bum scared the hell out of him. So Stan would come to you so he could study peacefully. The only ones of his group who took studying seriously was Kyle, Token, and Tweek. But, Kyle liked studying alone, Token always forgot Stan was in the room and finished way before him, and Tweek would think out-loud which would distract Stan. So, you let him study at your place, and he kissed you on the cheek in return. After a few hours of studying, you both would end up taking a break, meaning that you would snuggle up in a few warm blankets and quite possibly fall asleep on a couch.

Not a huge fan of studying, he has a bad habit of getting bored easily and giving up. But, Captain [Y/N] wouldn't allow that. So you insisted that you help him study. Making studying "fun", you used a game you heard on the Internet. Every right answer, a kiss. Simple game, really, but it motivated Kenny and kept him attentive. Even after a few days, he was proud to show you his A- on his maths test. Well, he might've kissed you before showing you.

"You like me, yes or no?"



Trying to get Cartman to study was like trying to teach Kenny to stop looking at pornographic magazines. Meaning, pretty fucking impossible. But, there were always ways to do it, no matter how unorthodox they were.

"This is so fucking stupid!" Cartman yelled, he was trapped in his cat's cage until he answered ten questions correctly for his literature homework.

"Well, if you say so... I guess I'll just have to eat all of these Cheesy Poofs by myself. Since you're in the cage and all."

"You're so fucking lucky I like you, or else I would've bombed the shit out of your house by now."

Surprisingly, he was good at studying. Since he always got detention, it gave him nothing better to do but his homework and study. Craig would end up having some of the highest scores on tests, but nobody really noticed. So, when you began falling behind on one of your classes, you were the one to ask him for help. Before he asked you, anyways. His Spanish teacher really sucked, and luckily you were better at studying that kind of thing more than him. So, you both would end up studying together from after school to ungodly hours at night. You always went to his house to study and found yourself unable to leave willingly because of how Craig and Ruby would pretty much everyday make a pillow fort for studying in.

Tweek was really bad at studying with people, he would talk out loud accidentally and even then talk some sort of gibberish in between sentences. So, you tended to study more with Kyle or Craig rather than your actual boyfriend. But, duty calls and Tweek invited you over to study. Or, more like he's been hinting at it and you finally decided to give a surprise visit with your textbooks. Actually, all in all he distracted you a lot but was rather adorable the entire time. Trying to correct himself and trying to catch himself from talking out loud. Until, that is, you told him it was fine and that his way of studying helped him, therefore you. You felt happy once Tweek finally calmed down, in a way, and you two managed to make studying work. Sort of.

Token, Token, Token... Sigh, he's not great at studying with people. In fact, he was downright terrible at it. It wasn't as if he slacked off, it was that he was too good at studying and that meant that people who couldn't study as hard as him... he tended to forget they were even in the room, that, sadly, included you. So, while he studied in his textbooks three chapters ahead of you, you tended to scoot closer to him and check his place.

"You're already there?" You opened your mouth in shock.

"Gah-! Oh, it's only you." Token sighed in relief.

"Let me guess, you go into your little mind place and-"

"Totally forget you're there? Sorry, it's not like I have anything against you... I just get really into studying..." Token said sheepishly. You playfully rolled your eyes and pecked him quickly on the lips, leaving him flustered. Sadly, even then his lack of expertise for study-buddies was still strong as ever. Nothing could change that, but while studying you learned not only new math formulas, but that Token's presence was enough. Until he was done studying.

Butters wasn't great at studying. He could pay attention, he just paid attention to the wrong things. Like for instance, you. Butters liked studying with you and he got distracted by you, since you knew this you tended to try and avoid studying with him so he could be more productive. But when Butters insisted that you at least give him a chance, it was hard to turn down. Basically, it was a disaster. Butters didn't learn anything and he ended up staring at you too much instead of his homework. It was cute, just not productive.

Jimmy is pretty okay(...?) at studying. He was good for literature, thanks to the school newspaper, and he was good for band. But, he struggled, like a lot, in his maths class. Not a lot of people in South Park High School can say they have a perfect A+ in maths because their teacher was the shittiest one out there. You are however a maths tutor. Not because you're great at math, just because you can be paid to study with random people, something you already did so it's a win-win. Jimmy has a hard time keeping on track during his maths studies, new ideas and such, so you two study together and you make sure he stays on track. One of the only ways Jimmy can stay productive during a study-session.

Happy early Thanksgiving!
Something I'm thankful for is the amount of reads I have! Over 1.4K reads and my account alone is only 3 months old! I love you all so so so much!
Also, any Yuri!!! On Ice fans? I'm starting to watch it and started the first episode today.
***Yuri!!! on ICE killed me, I'm dead now, I want more gay boys PLEASE
also, this was made a while ago, like two months, and now I have over 3K reads! Thank you guys so, so much!!!

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