28. Festive!Token Black Imagine

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***Before you're dating
***No idea if this is his last name; I heard it was but I also heard it was Williams or something? I think it is but idk??? 

"Kyle, just because you're Jewish doesn't mean that you can't come!" Token groaned exasperatedly. Kyle deadpanned him and handed Token back the party flier he was handing out.

"Cartman will rip on me for all of eternity if I go to your Christmas party. It's not even Christmas!" Kyle scoffed and tried to walk away.

"Kyle! Come on!" After a few minutes on convincing; Kyle grabbed a flier with a scowl and walked off.

"Ha! Told you I could do it!" Token boasted. [Y/N] gave him a look and handed him a crumpled ten dollar bill.

"He told me that he wouldn't go!" [Y/N] argued. Token and [Y/N] were hosting a Christmas party, even though Christmas had passed. They both decided since they couldn't host the party on Christmas because everyone was busy, they would have the party after Christmas and before New Years.

The first bell rung, meaning they had four minutes to get to class.

"Well I still got him to come." Token grinned hung an arm around [Y/N]'s shoulder.

"So that makes all of our friends and more coming to the party." Token counted off with his fingers. [Y/N] nodded and pointed towards Craig.

"Craig never RSVP'd, should we ask him?" [Y/N] looked to Token and saw him shrug.

"Craig never RSVP's, he's probably just always at home until last minute and comes anyways." Token answered indifferently. They arrived to their classroom and departed ways, they sat across the room from each other.

At six, Token and [Y/N] were decorating Token's ginormous house. They had covered the main living room and the hallways.

"Hey, Token, get a load of this." [Y/N] held up a mistletoe she had bought from an old hardware store nearby. She hung it on a tack by a string right below the doorway separating Token's kitchen and living room.

"How much you wanna bet that this mistletoe will create a new couple tonight?" [Y/N] nudged Token lightly in the ribs with a large grin on her face.

"Haha, no, last time I made a bet with you and I lost fifty bucks." Token shook his head and eyes the mistletoe wearily.

"Then maybe you'll be willing to lose fifty deer this time." Both Token and [Y/N] looked at each other for a moment. [Y/N] blinked and broke out into a grin.

"That was lame." She admitted sheepishly. Token coughed to cover up his chuckles. He nodded and looked up again. Oh, what he wouldn't do to catch [Y/N] under that mistletoe.

"What? You keep looking at the mistletoe? You worried you might catch someone under it? I already placed another one on your porch if you are." [Y/N] had a feeling Token had a crush on her but immediately shut down the thought.

"Yeah-yeah, you could say that..." Anyone that's not you.

"Hey, cheer up. There's another way into the party room." [Y/N] offered a cheesy smile and pointed to the other door leading out of his kitchen.

"Yeah..." Token coughed awkwardly and hung up some blinking holiday lights.

"Anyways, people should start arriving soon. I guess we should  finish up, huh?" [Y/N] hummed from across the kitchen. She saw Token nod and she left through the mistletoe doorway. Token face-palmed and then felt himself panic a little.

She probably just went under the doorway because she knew nobody else was under with her. She wouldn't forget that the mistletoe was there, right?

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