34. Their/Your Parent Don't Approve

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***After you're dating
***Season 20 spoilers[[Read at own risk]]
***Slight trigger warning(?)

[M/G/N] Mom or Guardian's Name
[D/G/N] Dad or Second Guardian's Name
[M/D/G] Refers to both Mom and Dad/ Both Guardians

Gerald Broflovski wasn't the fondest of [Y/N].

That was an understatement.

[Y/N] didn't really know why he didn't like her, she was pretty much an idol girlfriend. Supportive of Kyle, respectful to him and Sheila, she babysat Ike for free, never cursed around them, and was overall just really kind and nice in their presence. So obviously [Y/N] was confused when Gerald showed his distaste towards her.

"Kyle, what should I do? I really want your parents to like me!" [Y/N] groaned one day to Kyle while they were resting in his room. [Y/N] was seated sideways on Kyle's lap and rested her head on his chest, a pout adorning her features.

"I don't know, [Y/N], I guess you give off a weird vibe or something." Kyle shrugged. [Y/N] scoffed and hit his pec softly.

"What's that supposed to mean, Kyle?" [Y/N] frowned. Kyle laughed nervously.

"Nothing, just trying to figure it out, that's all..." Kyle wrapped his arms around [Y/N]'s back and tucked in legs.

"God, this is stressing me out. Not only is skankhunt42 on my ass, but also your dad doesn't like me?" [Y/N] sighed dramatically and looked up to Kyle with shining eyes.

"What should I do? What happens in a week, a month, a year from now? If your dad doesn't like me, then what should we do?" [Y/N] noticed that Kyle's grip on her tightened the slightest.

"Don't let my dad get between us, [Y/N], no matter what it's you I'm dating, not him." Kyle reassured her. [Y/N] smiled gently and played with a stray thread from Kyle's coat.

"Thanks, Kyle." [Y/N] murmured gratefully. She kissed under his jaw and settled down.

Later that day, Kyle went home and confronted his dad.

"Dad? You always give me advice and you're always honest with me..." Kyle began. He was in his living room in front of the couch, where his dad was reading the newspaper. Gerald set down the newspaper and look at Kyle with slight interest.

"Yes, Kyle?" His dad asked.

"Well, I've noticed that you don't really like [Y/N]...  and I just want to know why."  Kyle said, he tugged nervously onto his jacket from suspense. Gerald seemed to ponder for a moment.

"Well you see, Kyle, I just don't know if [Y/N] is a great fit for you. I'm only looking out for you, bud." Gerald said indifferently, reaching for his newspaper.

"Well, dad, I really like her and she's basically my dream girl. Couldn't you be a little more supportive? Sometimes you make [Y/N] uncomfortable... the little side comments could also stop." Kyle explained. Gerald shrugged and read his newspaper, ignoring the topic long enough for Kyle to get even more uncomfortable and leave.

Later that night, Gerald sat in front of his computer and typed in skankhunt42 onto the school message board.

"You're a whiny bitch and should kill yourself."

Randy, Randy, Randy... [Y/N] was having a hard time getting on his good side.

Stan tried to tell her that she didn't need to try so hard, since him and his dad's relationship was already strained, and that it didn't matter if Randy liked her or not. But [Y/N] still wanted Randy to accept her. She already had a good relationship with Sharon, and her and Shelly often gossiped and had a few laughs. [Y/N] just really wanted Randy to accept her so nothing could get in the way of her and Stan.

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