19. He Sees You Cry

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***After you're dating (hehehe...)
***Edited to add Jimmy and Butters

[Y/N] didn't cry much, probably because she hung out with Kyle. And where Kyle was, Stan, Kenny, and especially Cartman weren't far behind. And she knew they would give her shit if she cried in front of them. So she simply didn't cry in front of them.

[Y/N]'s day was going bad really quickly. For one, it was raining and once again, she forgot her coat at home. Mostly because she woke up late and was rushing to school.

"Sh-sh-shit!" She cursed as she shivered in class. Her seat was next to the window and the teacher's window had a very prominent draft. Cheap schools, such a pain in the winter.

"...okay, students, that's the end of class. Lunch time-" the teacher didn't get to say anything else as the mass of students excitedly ran to lunch, drowning out her voice from the sheer amount of noise their footsteps were making. 

"Hey, [Y/N]? You okay?" Kyle asked as he put his coat over her shoulders. [Y/N] nodded soundlessly and smiled slightly at his manners.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Until lunch, that was an entire story on its own.

[Y/N] sat down at her usual table with Wendy and her friends, only to sit on a discarded bag of chips, causing it to pop loudly and to get the crumbs all over her new pants. The entire lunch room was looking at her, [Y/N] was in a state of surprise. Her eyes were wide open with a look of shock etched onto her features. She obviously didn't expect a bag of chips to be below her, and certainly didn't think it would be so loud. Cartman began laughing, soon joined by others. The girls around her glared at the multitude of guys practically screeching with laughter. The only thing [Y/N] paid attention to was the fact that Kyle was laughing with everybody else, even through the futile attempts to stifle and quiet them.

"What's so funny about sitting on some damn chips?!" Bebe yelled, causing the boys to quiet slightly. [Y/N] thanked Bebe quietly and brushed the crumbs off of herself and then threw away the oily bag.

That lunch period didn't end soon enough for [Y/N].

Then, Cartman had the bright idea to spill his Dr. Pepper all over [Y/N]'s white shirt, so basically her striped, black bra was out for everybody to see. That and the stupid soda got all over Kyle's coat. Yet again, the lunchroom erupted in immature giggles and snide jabs at her dignity. Enough was enough for [Y/N], so she decided to walk out with her backpack hastily pulled over her shoulder, the force making the strap tear halfway off. Cursing to herself, [Y/N] dragged herself and her backpack away into the cold outdoors.

With her pride stamped on and her frustration levels at its peak, [Y/N] let a few tears fall. 

"[Y/N]? You alright?" Kyle asked, he sat beside her and shivered from the low temperature, especially since he didn't have his jacket.

"I'm sorry I got soda all over your jacket." [Y/N] mumbled quietly, Kyle looked at her worriedly.

"That was Cartman, today's just a series of unfortunate events for you, eh?" Kyle tried to lighten up the mood. [Y/N] managed a smile and wiped away her tears.

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks, Ginger." And with that, Kyle earned himself a sweet kiss on the lips neither side wanted to stop.

Stan felt terrible, he seriously messed up and it was bad. Currently, [Y/N] was crying at her lunch table while Wendy and Heidi consoled her and the rest glared at the guys, mainly at Stan.

"Dude! The girls are pissed!" Cartman stifled an amused snicker, badly but the effort counted at least.

"This isn't funny, fat boy! Stan fucked up and now he has to deal with it!" Kyle scolded angrily.

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