14. Favorite Part About You

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***After you're dating

How you don't care about his flaws. Sure, they can tick you off sometimes but he doesn't know that. Kyle just loves how accepting you are towards him, the Jew, the speech dude, the High Moral poster boy.

Your ability to just be able to hang out with him and the guys and not hate his other friends. Stan loves how you quickly adapt to hanging with a crowd to when you're alone with him, simply amazing.

Your lack of negative judgement towards him. You don't judge him for his background or from what he's done throughout the years and he can really appreciate that.

You never really tell him what to do, but you're not completely passive either. He finds that factor to your personality simply irresistible.

Very understanding, I mean when he first flipped you off you were confused as hell. But soon enough found a logical explanation(by asking him) and choosing to be practical about the situation. He just really enjoys your ability to be understanding.

Tweek loves how you're so patient towards him. Truth be told, he's a bit high maintenance so since you're a patient saint towards him, it relaxes him and he just really appreciates it and loves that about you.

Token loves the way you won't take no shit from nobody. Somebody trying to diss your favorite shirt, you aren't afraid to sass or diss them back into next week. He finds it utterly amazing and just really loves that about you.

Butters just loves that you stand up for him when he can't. If his grandma is visiting or if he's hanging out with the guys, you never cease to flip off the person or tell them off if they're making Butters uncomfortable. Although it gets awkward for him when you scold his parents, he can't help but like you more and more every time.

Your ability to laugh. You're not stone-cold and you laugh easily enough to where it flatters Jimmy but doesn't make it completely go to his head. He loves that whenever he's doing a comedy routine he can always count on you to be his number-one fan and supporter no matter what.

I'm working on a longer one but it's been more than a week so I just made a quick chapter
Plus, three volleyball games in a row...(-_- ;)
Kill me now.
***Fun fact, a few months later and this is edited to include Jimmy and Butters. Lol looking through old an old A/N...

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