30. You Move to South Park

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***Before you're dating
[Y/N] moved to South Park from [Home/Town] when she was in the third grade. Right when Cartman had an alien probe stuck up deep within his ass. Kyle never really interacted with her at first since she hung out with Wendy and Bebe's friend circle. But, when Stan and Wendy insisted that "the two of you would make the perfect pair" [Y/N] and Kyle were, sort of, forced to interact with each other. Stan and Wendy did their best to lessen the awkward atmosphere by bringing up conversation starters but it didn't really work. So, the interaction between Kyle and [Y/N] was practically non-existent until high school when [Y/N] ended up having a book project with Kyle in their Honors Lit. class because Wendy and Stan set it up.

[Y/N] moved to South Park when she was four. She met Stan because her parents[or guardians] decided that she should meet her neighbors. Actually, no. Nothing is really that simple, neighbors just don't meet each other. Well, the town was caught in a freak storm caused by NASA (don't ask) so since the [L/N] household didn't have a storm cellar; [Y/N]'s family stayed in the Marsh's during the storm. [Y/N] and Stan hit it off right off the bat, they even solved a Rubiks Cube (don't ask how long it took, it was a long time). Over time they drifted apart and went to different social circles, but reconnected in middle school when their schedules matched.

[Y/N] moved to South Park in the middle of the school year, freshman year. She joined after the first semester from [Home/Town]. She was pretty much a loner until third quarter when Wendy and her group invited the [H/C] hair colored girl to sit with them. Kenny noticed her quite often and began talking to her in the middle of the fourth quarter in freshman year in high school. The two became really close sophomore year when [Y/N] and her family hosted a party for a charity drive, which gave most of it's proceeds and charity items to Kenny's family.

The two weren't close at all when [Y/N] moved to South Park. First of all, she dated Craig a few months after moving to South Park in her freshman year. Cartman did not like Craig because he was still salty over the whole Peruvian flute band incident. So he tended to avoid [Y/N] for the most part, especially since her and Craig lived on the same street only a few houses apart. But, he always had a mild attractions towards her, even when she went through a classic South-Park-goth phase early sophomore year and dated Pete for a few weeks. After all of that, [Y/N] expanded her friendships all the way to Cartman's group and befriended him quickly afterwards. Even though she accidentally took Cartman's spot in the lunchroom commons once and he totally flipped out.

[Y/N] and Craig lived on totally different sides of town. She lived in one section of neighborhoods and he lived in another. [Y/N] moved to South Park sometime during their spring break in the eighth grade, so Craig had no idea she existed until he realized there was a new girl in his seventh period science class. He tried his best to avoid [Y/N] since she hung out with Wendy's gang and he didn't even trust them all to well. But he found himself getting more and more interested in [Y/N]'s personality and character. So when [Y/N] became a manager for his eighth grade track and field team, he formally introduced himself and the two hit it off right away.

[Y/N] moved to South Park in the middle of Tweek's sophomore year and she moved nearby to him in his neighborhood. Not that he would know, he spent most of his afternoons in Tweek Bros. to even know [Y/N] existed until she began coming into the shop. Tweek could be a total blockhead sometimes when it came to girls, so he didn't notice [Y/N]'s very obvious attraction towards him. So [Y/N] moved on to Stan, but even then couldn't forget the adorable, spastic, blonde teen. Finally, [Y/N] decided that giving him longing looks from across the coffeeshop wasn't enough, so she ended up also initiating conversations and she befriended Tweek's group quickly.

His parents made him meet the new family in South Park. Token wasn't very excited because his parents made him walk halfway across town with slippery sidewalks, cold weather, and a[n] [Favorite/Pie/Flavor] pie carefully placed in his gloved hands. It was the middle of the eighth grade for him, acne was acting up a storm on his face and his voice was cracking. He wasn't excited for that either. Token didn't want to seem like a weirdo to the new girl. But, [Y/N] greeted him at the door with the rest of the [L/N] family behind her. The gist of what happened next was that Token was invited for dinner and was the first South Parkian to meet the new girl.

[Y/N] moved to South Park in the middle of fifth grade, right in time for the South Park Elementary's talent show. But don't be deceived, that's not where she met Jimmy. Although she did attend the talent show, Jimmy's part was cancelled after Butters tried breakdancing for his routine and his shoe hit the ceiling and... basically the talent show was over. Along with a lot of innocent lives, as innocent as a South Parkian could get. Jimmy was devastated that he couldn't make his comedy routine so he stayed home all weekend until he saw the [L/N]'s last moving truck pulling up into their front yard. His parents introduced him to [Y/N] and they were awkward to say the least. Neither one spoke, except when Jimmy would crack a few jokes in attempts to break the ice. [Y/N] was just too shy with him at first because he was a cute boy, and she was not expecting a cute boy when her parents[or guardians] told her not the make fun of the boy. [Y/N] wasn't going to make fun of him either way, but she just assumed her parents were implying he was wildly ugly or had an awkward lisp. Boy, was she wrong. Sure, he was crippled and had a stutter, but she found him to be the absolute cutest thing.

[Y/N] moved to South Park not long before the American-Canadian war when her parents sided with Canada rather than America. She was initially there to spy on La Resistance, since Canada deemed them a minor threat to be dealt with well... a minor, but then eventually just moved to South Park just because your parents liked the cheap rent. She met Butters at school a few days after the war and although he ran away from her, she still thought of him to be adorable. Butters mostly just ran away because she was a pretty girl and he was convinced that talking to an actual pretty girl his age would somehow get him grounded by his parents. 

I was wondering if I should edit the chapters to add them in the past chapters where I stopped using them? Or should I dedicate a chapter to get them all caught up? My school does give me a lot of homework. Well, more like only my honors programs do but yeah. But I've finished a lot of projects early and since it's the weekend I have more time to work on them.
And guys, over 3K reads at 30 chapters? You guys spoil me oh my god! I really wasn't expecting this many reads when I began this so thank you, thank you, thank you!
And for the positive commenters, thank you! You guys really make my day and motivate me to write this so thank you!!!

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