11. Boundaries

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***Set after you're dating.

Kyle is really respectful towards girls, high morals is basically his thing. So he makes sure to be a total gentleman about boundaries, even when you sometimes wish he would just loosen up a bit about it. But, the biggest boundary is touching. He's not going to touch places like your ass or your boobs, he'd feel really embarrassed if he did and you would shove him off and scold him.

Stan doesn't really know boundaries that well. He won't go too far all the time, not like that. Basically, he does what he feels comfortable with at the moment. Touching your ass? Most likely a slap or a punch to the shoulder from you afterwards. Getting too into a make out session? Most likely a reminder that he needs to get a hold of himself. But, those moments don't happen often, he is mostly content with just kissing you and holding you close.

Despite what it may seem, Kenny respects boundaries more than maybe Kyle does. He lives with girls so he's accustomed to them telling guys what not to do. Especially his mom to his dad. Mostly, his mom to his dad. Basically, he knows you don't like him touching you inappropriately and he(reluctantly)respects it. But something you will allow is making out, he takes advantage of that fact.

Since he doesn't have much experience with dating girls, he doesn't know exactly what boundaries are. So he doesn't hold back, which tends to tick you off when you're with the guys and he decides to smack your butt playfully. What you say to him afterwards is anything but playful and nice.

Like Kenny, Craig lives with a sister so he knows something. But even if he didn't have girls in his house, he would know what you're comfortable with. You've been friends for a while so he already knows what you're like. Not a huge fan of PDA, which is good because Craig isn't either. But the absolute set boundaries are no inappropriate touching in public at all, kissing and that cute stuff is okay but anything further than that instantly makes you uncomfortable if you're in public. But, it's not like he would do that stuff anyways unless it was not in public.

He sets his own boundaries, a lot. You constantly try to get him to chill out, but he doesn't exactly listen. Tweek's last wish is to make you unhappy, especially with him. No matter what, you'll be okay with what Tweek is comfortable with. Which is limited to basically holding your hand, he doesn't like kissing you in public much.

He's a gentleman. A total gentleman. Nobody can beat his amount of gentleman-ness. Did I mention he is a GENTLEMAN. A real sweetheart when it comes to what you're comfortable with. Depends on the situation, he'll adjust. In public, kissing and sweetness. When you're alone, well, depends on the situation.

Can't be any more cute. Seriously, he's a sweetie, but like Tweek he will set his own boundaries. He gets really nervous around you, which can cause for a problem when you kiss him in public and he decides to faint... Okay that only happened twice, but still. Butters won't really try anything, which pretty much makes you the one who has to make all of the moves, but you don't mind that much.

Jimmy isn't as much as a gentleman as Token or Kenny, or even Kyle, but he does know a few things. He knows you and what you'd rather him not do in public, but he will try to crack a joke and kiss you a lot to interrupt you from a conversation. Although he and everyone else finds it funny, you find irritating. Luckily for you, since he has his crutches he can't smack you butt when he wants to.

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