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^Young Hazel^

"Harles..why do we have to go see him?!" Hazel whined as her older sister pulled her along outside. "Because Haze I'm not going to let him get away with cheating on you!" Harleen frowned and they got in her car.

Hazel could tell Harleen was mad so she let it go but had huge butterflies in her stomach from seeing the boy she hated so much

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Hazel could tell Harleen was mad so she let it go but had huge butterflies in her stomach from seeing the boy she hated so much.

Hazel could tell Harleen was mad so she let it go but had huge butterflies in her stomach from seeing the boy she hated so much

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When they arrived at the big blue mansion Harleen quickly got out of the car slamming in. She marched straight to the front door and knocked angrily. Hazel sighed and got out the car slowly dragging her feet up the couple of steps to the door where Harleen was standing un patiently.

A lady with blonde hair and green eyes who looked in her 30's opened the door . "How may i help you?" She asked sweetly but looked as if she was hiding something. "We are here to talk to Jordan!" Harleen growled. "I'm sorry but he's busy." "Busy doing what exactly!?" "Well-" Harleen had enough..she pushed the lady forecully out of the way and ran up the circular staircase.

Hazel helped the lady up and apologized. "I'm the one who should be apologizing." She looked away and walked back into the house. Hazel ran upstairs and gasped in shock.

Harleen had a gun out pointing at the two half way naked teens.

"HARLEEN STOP!" Hazel screamed and Harleen looked at her sister and winked

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"HARLEEN STOP!" Hazel screamed and Harleen looked at her sister and winked. Hazel gave a confused look and focused on the boy she used to love and talk about. She felt tears stinging in her eyes.

"Harles lets go-" "But I'm-" "LET'S GO!"  Hazel yelled  while tears fell from her eyes

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"Harles lets go-" "But I'm-" "LET'S GO!" Hazel yelled while tears fell from her eyes. Harleen dropped her gun and gave the two teens a dirty look. She walked downstairs and Hazel looked at Jordan, "Hope your happy." She mumbled and followed Harleen.

" She mumbled and followed Harleen

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1} This is the girls past that's why its italicized and they're young!

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