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The team all walked together. Not knowing how bad this was going to be. Mixed emotions on all their faces. Deadshot walked next to Diablo. "Are you going to fight with us?" "What if I lose control?" El Diablo looked down in worry. Hazel stood on her tippy toes and whispered in his ear, "Then maybe we'll have a chance." He nodded still frowning but then they all hid behind pillars still watching as Enchantress took control a little at a time.
"Hey, everyone can see all this triply magic stuff right?" Harley questioned. "Yeah why?" Deadshot asked. "I'm off my Mede." She gave a cheeky smile.
Floyd turned to Rick and pointed towards The witch. "That's your old lady huh?" Deadshot questioned. Rick nodded. "Well you need to handle this. Go up there, smack on her ass, and tell her to knock this shit out." Hazel gave him a, 'If - you - don't - shut - up.' Look. "I don't think that would be wise." Rick retorted. "I'm gonna draw out the big one. My boys will detonate the bomb underneath him." Rick explained in a way of believing his idea was a good one.
Boomerang gave a toothy smile to Katana, "You know, we should get a drink sometime." Before Katana could reply or rather give a deadly look they heard a booming voice.
"I've been waiting for you all night, come out from the shadows...I promise not to bite."

Harley got up and started towards Enchantress

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Harley got up and started towards Enchantress. Flag reached but she was out of reach. Soon everyone rose from there previous spot.
Enchantress looked at each of the members and her gaze fell harshly upon Hazel. "I see you have brought the murderer of her fiancé with you." She spoke with a wicked grin.
"What are you talking about?!" Rick raised an suspicious brow at her. "Why your dear Hazel of course..isn't that right darling.?" Hazel looked away as Harley gasped at her, "That's why you have on an engagement ring...IS HIS SOUL TRAPPED IN THERE?!" Harley exclaimed pointing a finger at her sister.
Enchantress laughed darkly and suddenly a image (or screen) was created. It was a younger Hazel sleeping soundly in bed with her fiancé....well that would last very long.

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