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Floyd gave her a relived expression as she gave him a bright smile that seemed to light up the place. Both of them turned to see Croc and the SEALs walking back over towards them. Excitingly, Harley ran up to Croc and gave him a high five which he grunted to and she laughed happily. "It's over. Its finally over!" Rick exclaimed, while holding June closer to him. "If y'all don't mind, im gonna head back to the sewers," Croc began and crosses his arms, satisfied with the idea. "Yeah, and I've got some business to handle back in Gotham," Deadshot cleared his throat and looked down at Hazel who nodded in agreement. "Im gonna go hitwire a car! Anyone need a ride?" Harley cried out and Floyd shook his head, "Your ass is not driving." "Why not?" She pouted and before he could reply, Amanda appeared from the buildings before them. "How are you not dead?" Floyd annoyed, motioned to the now smirking woman.

"We- Well they," Hazel stood apart from Floyd motioned to the agrrivated looking group, "Just saved the World. A thank you would be nice." Sighing, Amanda muttered a insincere, "Thank you." "Your welcome!" Harley beamed and annoyed, Amanda turned to the team. "So we did all this and we don't get shit?" Floyd angrily asked while Amanda grinned, "Well, you do get ten years off your sentence." "Nah, thats not enough. Im seeing my daughter," Floyd demanded which caused Waller to groan, "If he can get a 'request', I want a expresso machine." Harley crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow

"I guess that can be arranged...any other requests?" Waller questioned. "BET," Croc muttered but Boomerang wasn't having it. "10 years off a triple life sentence? Darling im walking out of here a free man." He began but Amanda stepped in his way, "Why don't we have some fun?" She chuckled slightly and he bit the inside of his cheek frustrated. Turning back Amanda cleared her throat," Is that all the requests?" Everyone looked Hazel's way. "To go with Floyd to visit Zoë," She said and 'aw's' were heard from Harley and whistles from Boomerang. Floyd looked towards the blushing woman and he knew she was the one.

"Okay now thats over with," Amanda spoke pulling Floyd from his thoughts, "We all better get going. "Rick, go along with Hazel and Floyd in the next 'copter along with half of the SEALs." Amanda told him and he nodded looking towards the two and the SEALs behind him.

As Hazel began walking, she thought of where her friend was now. She probably forgotten about them, or so the black haired woman thought.

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