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Immediately appearing next to the proud clown woman, Hazel slapped Harley's hand which caused her to drop the heart which glowed an emerald green.
Reaching towards the tresured item, Hazel felt a sharp pain that hit her back.
Gasping, she touched it with her small fingers and was met with a crimson liquid.

She watched as Deadshot ran past her with a sympathetic expression as he muttered, "I'm sorry Hazel."

She didn't notice the bomb that was thrown towards him by Killer Croc. She witnessed Harley quickly looking towards her gun that was given to her by none other than the joker, and pushed past the witch. "Floyd!" She called and threw him her gun.

It all passed in slow motion as he grabbed her gun and faced the direction of destructive bomb.
Scrunching his face in determination he was about to take his shot when he heard a small voice beside him.

It was his beautiful daughter, Zoe who was holding on to Hazel and surprisingly a baby girl was held in her arms.
He frowned in confusion, he knew this was probably one Enchantress' tricks, but he couldn't help but wonder.
"Daddy don't shoot. Hazel won't be my mommy and we won't be a happy family," Zoë sniffled sadly.
Handing the stiring child to Zoë, Hazel started towards him. Reaching her hand towards his cheek she whispered softly, "I love you Floyd." He hestitated and gave a smile smile.

"I love you too Hazel, and thats why i have to do this."

A shot was sounded in the sky as the images of the three quickly faded away. Both shrieks of the witches were heard as a blinding white light lit the scene before them.
When the horrid light was finally aside, the gang saw the two women covered in residue and were laying on the hard ground.

"That was a great shot man!" Rick congratulated Deadshot and tried to give him a small hug which Deadshot quickly pushed him aside. "Hey, I don't do hugs. Im not a hugger. Im not a hugger. All right?"

"Let me join my brother." Enchtress croaked out and gave them a terrified expression. Katana was quick to answer the witch's request but was abruptly stopped by a angry Rick Flag.
"Katana no!" He held the somewhat glowing Enchantress' heart in his palms. "Bring June back!" "She's not coming back." Enchantress scoffed and looked towards Hazel.
"And you! Bring my girl back!" Deadshot pointed an angry finger towards the weak woman who finally looked up from her spot. She looked back towards Enchantress as Enchantress turned towards Rick's gaze. "Ill crush this! You hear me! Bring them back!"
"Go ahead. You don't have the balls." She grinned but yelled in pain when he did indeed crush her heart. Hazel immediately fell back and her body laid in a still position. The glowing blue energy leaving her eyes and she laid as she was before this horrid war.

Running towards the girl, Floyd quickly started to inspect her and gave a small gasp when there was was no reply but her eyes were normal.
Not realizing the group started walking in the other direction, he felt a hand on his shoulder as he turned to be met with a sad looking Harley. "Come on..she's gone."
Sighing, he stood and began walking with her when someone called, "Rick?" He turned to be met with June making her way out of the witch's slimy cover.
"June?!" He gave a look of disbelief as he ran over to her and embraced her in a tight hug.

Giving them a small smile, Floyd's heart tightened until he heard a large breath being let out. Turning towards the sound he looked in shock as Hazel stood before him. "Hazel?! Hazel you're alive!" He gave a chuckle as he ran over and they met with a big hug.
"I would never dream of leaving you."

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