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Hazel cried in Deadshot's arms for the loss of her friend and he whispered soothing words into her ears. Just then they all saw a shadow walking towards them...it was Jester! Harley ran up to Jester blaming her for Joker's death, Jester punched her in the jaw not in the mood to argue.
Jester fell to her knee's crying over her loss of Joker. Hazel ran over to Jester mad and upset at the same time for leaving her but relived that she was alive. "What the heck Jester you could of been killed!" Hazel yelled angrily at her friend. Jester winced at the tone of her friend's voice. Deadshot put his arm around Hazel to calm her down which worked.
She started mumbling things and walked over to Killer Croc. "Target destroyed ma'am." "Thank you...now get me off this roof!" Amanda said into her Walkie talkie. A helicopter flew towards the roof. As Amanda started walking she turned to Flag.  "Stand by ill send another helo!" She climbed in the machine and they all watched until she was out of sight.
Minutes later an explosion took place and as the creatures that belonged to Hucubus and Enchantress thrashed through and found Waller in the Damaged Helo.
"Ops just confirmed..she's down 1k west." One of the SEALs told Rick. "Lets go get her." He walked towards the team. "The mission isn't over." "It is for me...we had a deal." Floyd looked Flag in the eye. "Without Waller you got nothing." Flag frowned. "So I have this straight, we're going to the swirling ring of trash in the sky?" Hazel looked at Flag. "When does this end Flag?" El Diablo questioned. "Load Up. We're in for a fight." He dodged the question.
Deadshot rummaged through the copter as everyone started walking and found a file labeled Top  secret.
He marched close to flag and through the binder which caused everyone to stop and look in confusion. "You tell everybody everything or me and you are gonna go right now." Floyd glared at him. Flag sighed and told her about a woman named June Moon who turned into a witched named Enchantress . "And that's how she escaped from Waller." He finished. "So now you know." Floyd sighed, "you can kill me right now but I'm going to have a drink." Jester tried to drag herself along with everyone while wiping her tears. Diablo caught up with the green haired girl extending his arm around her shoulder. "Why you trippin?" Jester responded by licking her finger and wiping away "J+J💕" In sharpe smuggling until its blurry. Jester and Diablo entered the bar and Jester drooping her head as she sat on one of the stools the farthest away from everyone. Harley served everyone a drink. Jester was in one of her moods...after all She thought she was the cause of their mission failing. Suddenly Jester got up slamming the table and pointed a gun at them. Everyone was speechless as Jester slowly pointed the gun to her head. "Jes-" Deadshot began but was caught off by Jester,"SHUT UP SHUTP UP!" She screamed in a psychopath voice. Jester pointed her gun at Deashot. Hazel's eyes widened. She was about to stop Jester when BAM Jester's gun went off. She started cracking up, "HAHAHA oops I missed." The steam from the gun cleared and Deadshot was fine. A little red flag that popped out from the gun read BANG. Hazel got up from the ground relived and confused. Rick stood in the door way surprised. "What am I dealing with." Jester looked him in the eye. "Something you can't handle."

"Well are we going to do this or not

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"Well are we going to do this or not." Hazel got up and walked towards the door. "Yeah, I want my daughter to know that her daddy isn't a piece of shit." Floyd got up and everyone nodded in agreement. The Squad started walking outside. Jester looked around and started dashing in a different direction. Hazel watched in confusion and tapped Deadshot on his shoulder,"Floyd I gotta go look for Jester." Deadshot's smile turned into a frown. "She's dangerous..I don't-" "BUT I HAVE TO." Deadshot patted the small girl's back and chuckled but Hazel wasn't having it. She pushed him forcefully. "Everyone underestimates me..and I thought you were different." She looked down with a tear rolling down her pale cheeks. She raced after her friend.
As Hazel caught up to Jester she saw the girl looking at a damaged helicopter. It was the one Joker was in. "He isn't here...that means he is alive!" Jester exclaimed. She turned around to see Hazel's face which was red from the incident with Floyd. "What's wrong hun?" Jester walked over to Hazel. Hazel puffed out her cheeks,"it's nothing I'm fine." "Mhmm." Jester poked Hazel's cheeks. "Um Haze..I won't be able to continue the mission..I gotta find Mr. J." "I won't even fight with you on this one." Hazel frowned as Jester hugged Hazel. "Don't worry..ill be back, I always come back." "You sure?"  "Positive." Jester nodded and started walking in the direction to search for her love.
Hazel jumped when a hand touched her shoulder. She turned and saw Deadshot. "I'm-" he was about to say when she place a small finger on his lips. "Don't try that apology talk...I hate it. I forgive you...as long as when we get out you will get me a Hershey bar." She crossed her arms and he nodded with a smile. There was a moment of silence. "Wheres your Green haired friend?" "Looking for Joker." She stated simply and walked back to everyone.

" She stated simply and walked back to everyone

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