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The skwad arrived in front of a door. "Wait here." Rick instructed and walked into the room. We waited a few minutes and Deadshot groaned annoyed,"Forget this." He walked into the room and left everyone else. Hazel looked at the diamond engagement ring and felt an arm around her shoulder. "Who is the lucky man?" The Brooklyn accent curiously. Hazel sighed and was saved by Rick and Floyd walking out of the room followed by...."Amanda?!" Jester and Hazel gasped while Harley scoffed. While everyone was trying to ask Amanda questions she ignored and talked into her walked talky. "Wow, rude." Jester frowned. "I like her." Croc liked his lips as they followed behind. Everyone ended upon a roof top. All of the sudden a boom and explosion took place. "Our bird's been high jacked!" Everyone ran to a hiding place except for Harley, Hazel, and Jester. "GET DOWN!" Rick yelled but Harley shook her head. Hazel knew what was happening....and so did Jester.
"Where do you think your going?!" Harley asked Jester. "To my puddin!" She exclaimed in a duh tone. Harley's face grew red. Hazel who stood in the middle grew nervous from the look on both girls' face. "MISTAH J IS MINE!" Harley threw the first punch and knocked Hazel tumbling to the ground. She put her hand to her lip and saw blood. She watched in horror as the girls fought. Then Jester who pushed Harley and ran and jumped on the ladder that the Joker let down. "Rick kill her!" Amanda shouted. "I can't her chips been disabled!" Amanda eyed Deadshot. "Deadshot....shoot that woman down right now." "She ain't do nothing to me." He retorted . "Your a hitman right....I got a contract. Kill Jester. Do it for your freedom and kid." Deadshot followed her directions and aimed at the laughing woman. He took a shot and Jester fell dramatically and suddenly popped back up. Floyd backed up and stated, "I guessed I missed." "Good one mate." Boomerang patted his back. "You should of shot that bitch down." Harley muttered. Amanda quickly grabbed her wallow talkie and spoke,"Savior 1-0's been hijaked..SHOOT IT DOWN!"
"Joka!" Jester squealed and hugged him. "You got all dressed up for me?!" "Anything for you baby...I've got som grape soda on ice and a bear sling run waiting." The Joker smiled. "Boss we got a problem." One of his henchman spoke. "This bird is baked." Joker looked directly into Jester's eyes, "Ready Honey its me and you." Then as soon as those words were said The helicopter went up in flames and was shaken around. Jester flew out and The helicopter went down. Hazel screamed

and deadshot held the poor girl  while she cried

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and deadshot held the poor girl  while she cried. "PUDDIN!" Harley cried in horror as the Helicopter went out of sight.

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