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A/N{ Sorry for the wait guys, I haven't had much time nor inspiration to write lately, but i finally decided to write so here it is!}

Instead of returning straight back to Belle Reve, Floyd and Hazel were taken on a separated helicopter to visit Floyd's daughter, Zoe. 

The two sat near the back, so they could have 'privacy'. Hazel sat close to the window, which she currently was looking out of. She thought Floyd was doing the same, but he was really watching the preoccupied woman, whose face lit up at the new scenery. A small smile tugged on his lips but he quickly dropped it as he began to speak. 

"So,why did you decide to visit Zoe?" He asked her curiously. She gave a small inaudible sigh, but she didn't face him when she hesitated to speak. "W-well, you are just so..sweet," she then faced him and gave a small smile, "I like your personality a lot, so i figured your daughter would be  the same way. Plus, i didn't know what i wanted." Clearing her throat, she looked to the ground as she felt heat rise up to her ears. 

Shaking his head lightly, he leaned in and she gasped as she felt a soft pair of lips kiss her cheek. Eyes growing wide, she touched her cheek which lit up in red like her magic. Before she could question it however , she heard the familiar voice of Rick saying they were about to land to one of the men. "Guess we're almost there," Hazel gulped as she felt Floyd wrap his arms around her shoulders. "Don't worry, she'll love you."


The two walked in the apartment building where a woman with light brown hair, pale skin, and brown eyes was crouched beside the smaller girl who Hazel assumed was Zoe. The young girl's eyes rolled as she gave the woman an annoyed expression. 

"Zoe?" Hazel's eyes looked towards Floyd, who looked as if he was going to break down in the middle of the room. The girl quickly spun around and her eyes shone with happiness. "Daddy?!" The woman besides her gave a sympathetic smile until she saw Hazel, whom she scowled to. 

Running up to her father, she jumped into his open arms and let out a sob. Tears made its way down her father's cheek as he held his daughter who he never thought he would see again. After a few minutes of their reunion, Zoe's eyes scanned over to Hazel who gave her a nervous smile. "Daddy, who's this?" He gave a small chuckle as he brought her back to the floor, "This is Hazel." Zoe gave a small squeal and ran up to hug the smaller woman, who gave her one in return. 

"So, are you like my dad's..you know, girlfriend?" Hazel rubbed the back of her neck shyly and a surprised noise came from the woman who gave Zoe a ridiculous look. Zoe shrugged innocently and the woman gave Floyd a look that could be shown as 'we need to talk.' Floyd gave a roll of his eyes and looked back to his daughter. "No, not yet at least." Hazel's jaw dropped as she was pulled out of the kitchen and into the small living room by the excited girl.

The 11 year old sat besides the woman who looked as if she was about to faint. Thoughts raced through her mind as she couldn't believe what just occurred. She was suddenly pulled from them though when Zoe gave her a mischievous look, "So do you like him? Do you?! Do you?!"  Hazel eyes looked to the floor as she searched for something to say to the anxious girl. "U-um, well-." "It's okay, i know you do anyways!" She chirped and the black haired woman's face flushed as she tried to look anywhere but at Zoe. Suddenly, she saw Floyd standing in the doorframe that went from the kitchen to the living room. A genuine smile on his lips. Hazel gave one in return as Zoe saw her father too and ran to give him another hug but began tugging on his arm so he could join the two.

Well, she certainly wasn't wrong.

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