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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, but I am sorry to alert you all that this is the final chapter of 'Belle Reve The Dream.' *cries* I know I know, already!? Well it has been fun writing about my absolute favorite D.C. Movie and this will be the second Sucide Squad book I've finished! I absolutely loved writing about our team of heathens and Hazel who is my favorite and first O.C character I've created! I want to also thank you guys who has also been enjoying this story and maybe we will see more of these  particular group of guys in the future。😏😉 (Not Promised but be on the look out!) I will also be publishing a story my friends and I have been working on at school called Kite Birds! It features various singers such as Twenty One Pilots, P!atd and more! Also, if you guys have any other story ideas that I should try writing about, let me know! I wanna hear your ideas! Anyways, let's continue with the final chapter of Belle The Dream.*clears throat* Curtains Please!


After the two left Zoë, they sadly had to return to Belle Reve. 

Looking towards the ground, Hazel groaned in annoyance as she saw the view of the particularly secluded building. A chuckle caused the two to look up and see Rick leaning against the wall of the helicopter as it started to land. "Sorry to alert you, but you two are villains and this is where villains belong." "Even though we literally just saved the world," the black haired girl muttered as she felt them suddenly land on the ground. 

She heard another chuckle this time, but coming from the hitman seating on her left. "Don't worry Haze, we will get out one day. And that day I will take you on a proper date." Her mouth hung open as he stood and followed the soldiers out, and she quickly scrambled up to ask him what that particular promise meant.

Cuffs found their way onto her wrist and she winced at the familiar pain that they brought with them. She looked over to see Floyd being pushed into the building and she let out one finale try. "What did you mean by that?!" He turned his head over his shoulder and gave a smirk, "I meant what I said. Be patient dollface, the time will come." And with that he was inside the building and she soon followed suit.

A blush apperead on her face as she started into the building. An idea suddenly popped in her head and she tried moving her hands in the familiar circular motion, but sighed when nothing happened. "Welcome back darling," she frowned as she hears the familiar voice of Griggs filled her ears and she gave a sarcastic laugh as she was pushed past him. 'He's not that bad.' She heard the long lost voice speak in her head. She gave a loud chuckle and the guard she walked past gave a disgusted expression. 'Long time no see.'


"I'm bored.." Hazel whined bored for the 19th time that day. "Shut up inmate!" The guard yelled which caused her to slightly flinch in surprise. "Well, don't have to be rude about it!" She huffed and folded her arms. There was a moment of silence until the black haired girl broke it again. "Can I go visit Floyd?" Hazel pleaded moving closer to the bars and gave a flirtatious grin which caused Griggs to roll his eyes, "You know the rules darling. Can't do it."

She huffed annoyed when she realized something. She had no cuffs on. 'Hm, they must of forgotten, you know what to do.' She lifted her hands in a circular motion and watched as Griggs eyes turned a Ruby red color. "Now may you take me to his cell?" He nodded and unlocked her door. Following Griggs, she suddenly spotted a group of guards  stood demanding as they looked at Griggs with a look of suspicion. 

"Where are you taking her?!" One of them questioned him and when he didn't reply, he took his taser out followed by the five others. "Get her, she hypnotized him!" Hazel gasped and dashed in the other direction as the guards followed her. "Hazel?" She heard the accent of her older sister. "Long time no see Harley. Gotta run!" She exclaimed out of breath while Harley gave a high pitched laugh and a little wave. "See ya!"

Finally arriving at a familiar cell door, she lifted her hand flinging the guard across the hall and unlocked the door to the cell. Hearing the door open, the muscular man stopped punching his bag and faced her. His eyebrows raised as he saw the shorter girl out of breath. 


"Hide me!"

"Your lucky I love you."

"You what?!"

"Shush, before they hear you dollface."

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