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Harley was shown an image of her and the Joker being married and having two adorable children.
Floyd had one with Hazel giving birth to a tiny baby girl.
"No! I can't do it!" Hazel cried. "Yes you can Haze." Floyd kissed the woman's sweaty forehead. The doctor told her to give one last big push. Hazel screamed and then a baby's cries were heard. It was a lil baby girl. The image then switched to their wedding day. Their daughter was a flower girl with a cute flower crown and Zoë was a beautiful bridesmaid. "Do you take Floyd to be you husband?" "Of course I do!" Hazel giggled. The priest gave a big smile and turned to Floyd. "And do you Floyd Lawton take Hazel to be your lovely wife?" Before he could finish the phrase, "I do." He was snapped out of his image to the yell of El Diablo saying that what they were seeing wasn't real. "What do you mean?!" Floyd gave a perplexed expression. "The witches! There playing us man! Your wife is a monster!" "How long have you been able to see?!" Enchantress growled. "My whole life..you can't have them! These guys are my family!" El Diablo yelled at the two witches. "But it is our time. The sun is setting and the magic rises. There is no stopping us!" Hazel gave a dark laugh. "Lady! You are evil." Floyd called out.  "Gq come in! We're in position!" Rick spoke in his walkey talkey. Enchantress wasn't going to let that happen and she called her brother who stomped in. Magic surrounded him. "We gotta get him into that corner!" Rick exclaimed motioning to her brother and the corner. After a moment of silence Chato stepped forward. "I'll get him there! I already lost one family and there's no way in hell im losing another!" He faced the two frowning woman. "Let me show you who I really am!" He yelled as he transformed into the fire beast within. He went off to fight Incubus. They fought but all El Diablo got him to the corner. "DIABLO GET CLEAR! GET OUT OF THERE!" Rick called. "Blow it!" Deadshot sighed and nodded, "blow it." "NO!" Harley cried out but Rick said in his walkey talkey , "Now GQ now." "EVERYONE DOWN!" Suddenly an enormous explosion blew..killing Incubus but also their dear friend.

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