I win

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first things first, my name is Jezabelle Fuentes and I was currently on my way to the local hamburger fast food restaurant near the University of Houston with good news to tell to the restaurant's owner, Lorenzo.

I was a student there at U of H in my last semester and was studying kinesiology in hopes of becoming an athletic trainer.

my friends; Milo and Lane were with me after they invited themselves as they knew I was going to visit Lorenzo.

they tend to joke around and call me ugly a lot, which was the conversation as we walked through the restaurant's door.

"we just can't help it if you're ugly Jezy," Lane shrugged as we made our way in.

"sorry I'm not better looking," I said back, embarrassed that Lane said that comment aloud in front of the customers already sitting, eating.

I did not even bother to look at them.

Lorenzo was near and heard the laughter coming from my friends as I faked a look of sadness.

"you're not ugly," he giggled, giving me a hug as he was always happy to see me. "what can I do for you Miss Fuentes?"

"I finally have an internship!" I whispered overly excited as I got a high five congratulations.

"to be a trainer? for who or for what team?" Lorenzo wondered.

"my professor found one for me, but I don't know which team yet. he said a professional one though, it may be for a baseball team." I confirmed.

Milo and Lane had sat at the table we were standing near with their food they had just ordered, causing my stomach to yell at me by how good the burgers looked.

their insults continued about me being ugly as I moved my head around the restaurant, hoping no other customers heard these comments.

there was a circular booth filled along with a table next to it, filled with a large group of men that looked like a couple of athletes as I made eye contact with a certain Spanish man.

I quickly looked away, knowing how awkward it always is to make random eye contacts with strangers.

however, this particular guy was a major cutie and it was one of those moments where I had to take a second look.

his eyes were still in my direction when I looked back at him, with the same look on his face from the first time.

most people look away when you catch them staring at you, but he didn't.

and I didn't mind at all.

I stared at him back, the both of us entering into a staring contest without realization and it felt like all noise and action were shut out and it was only us in the restaurant.

I was able to spot out his facial characteristics without taking my eyes off his, noticing he had a brown skin tone with black hair and minimal facial hair.

he looked to be in his early 20's, as I was, and I could tell he had a tall height.

after a couple of minutes that felt like an hour, one of the guys he was with nudged him in his shoulder and he quickly looked at the person.

I continued to stare at him as he nodded his head at the guy who was telling him something  before turning his attention back to me.

I raised my eyebrows to him, mouthing the words, "I win" and giving him a small smile, feeling my dimples creep inwards.

he returned the small smile, eventually sliding from the circular booth letting me get a better view of his height and assuming he was at least 6'4.

he waited for his 5 friends to leave out first as he took his time.

a part of me wanted to get up and introduce myself, another part of me wanted to see him make his way over and introduce himself, and another part of me wanted us to meet somewhere privately as I knew Milo and Lane would pick on me if he did come up to me.

he made his way towards the door and turned to look at me once more and giving me one last grin, mouthing the word "bye" to me.

I returned his sincerity and watched him as he walked out, both of still looking at each other until we couldn't see each other any more and hearing cars drive away.

I sat with sadness, as I knew I would probably never see that man again and cursed at myself mentally for not being bold and making a move when I had an opportunity.

"you even listening to us, Jezabelle?" Milo asked me, getting me out of my feelings.

"yeah," I lied, my voice sounding a bit bitter. "I'm going home." I said as I slid off the chair, hugging my friends and Lorenzo goodbye and goodnight.

"you okay? don't listen to us when we call you ugly, you know we don't mean it," Lane assured me.

"no, I was just in my feelings, feelings I swore I don't have," I shrugged.

I made me exit out and got into my car, starting it and driving back to my apartment.

I turned to my phone, plugging it into my aux cord and noticed the time was 11:11, deciding to go along and just make a wish for the hell of it.

of course I wished to see the Spanish cutie again, not really sure if these 11:11 wishes really work.

after showering and changing into my pajamas, I climbed into my cold bed and thought of the cutie and my internship, hoping the baseball opportunity will be a success for me.

as for the cutie, I hoped I would have the chance to see him again and tell him what I really had on my mind.

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