I'm here

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the team and I were back in a Houston after finishing the seven-game road trip and having an off day.

they were scheduled for a ten-game home stand with their first series being against the rangers, again.

I was more than nervous as to what would happen if Ian and I came across each other again, but I was content with Carlos and I had him hung by my side since our last date in Minnesota.

it was a Friday night opener which also meant that it was 'big bright Friday night.'

the firework show was beautiful, but I was more interested in going out for ice cream after the game, just like Carlos had mentioned before and I hoped he was up for it too.

when the game had started, I immediately caught Ian staring at me wherever he seemed to be at the moment; whether he was standing on the on-deck circle, sitting in the dugout, or making his way onto centerfield.

I would look away, hopefully thinking that he'll get the memo and move around.

besides, the guy was married. with children.

after the game, I was in my office completing the paperwork for each player and updating some of their information.

I finished up and waited for Carlos to walk in like he usually would after he was done dressing so we could leave together.

there was a knock on the door and I eagerly looked up and smiled as I expected Carlos to be standing there, only to see Ian.

"someone's a little happy," he smiled to me. "it's good to see you again Jezabelle," he said as he made his way inside.

he took a seat on the small couch that was in the room which made me want to pack up my things and leave to avoid any problem Carlos would have if he saw Ian in here.

I learned from the first time that Carlos wasn't very fond with Ian talking to me, and it made me want to question Ian why he was giving me his attention.

"how you holding up as a trainer?" he asked.

"I've caught on," I said, trying to find a way to get out before Carlos came. "listen, I have to get going now," I told him.

Ian stood up and stepped in front of me, blocking my way to exit the room.

"hold on really quick, please?" he asked me. he let out a deep breath and continued. "I'm sorry for what happened the last time, I just came to try and start over with you. could I at least take you out for coffee or something?" he offered as he gently grabbed a hold of my wrist.

before I could decline his offer, Carlos came walking in and stopping in his tracks as soon as he seen Ian's hand on me.

I quickly muttered 'fuck' into my mind and wished to be anywhere but in the presence of these two men.

"Jezabelle," Carlos said. "Alex is in the locker room, said something about his toe being bruised. he said he thinks it's broken because he can't walk on it,"

"oh, really?" Ian asked him in comprehension.

Carlos looked over at him and glared. "those were his words,"

I nodded with a sense of urgency and put my purse and paperwork down, grabbing an ice pack with an ace wrap and quickly exiting to tend to Alex.

I had left Carlos in the room with Ian, and I hope that wasn't my biggest mistake.


"what's your damage, Carlos? Ian immediately asked after Jezabelle had left.

be not nobody // Carlos Correa Where stories live. Discover now