well-matched couple

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Halloween time was here and Carlos had told me that David Ortiz from the Red Sox was hosting a Halloween costume party at Fenway Park.

It was the last thing he wanted to do with the rest of the MLB teams as part of his retirement.

Carlos told me about the party; last minute of course, and I didn't have any ideas on what to dress up as.

I had no other choice but to be what I was last Halloween; a belly dancer.

majority of the team had agreed to go and some of them left out in groups.

Carlos and I traveled to Boston with Marwin and Noel and checked into a hotel close to Fenway, a hotel that was filled with almost every MLB player.

after the flight, Carlos and I were just lounging around, watching movies and just chatting.

it was now time for me to get ready, as it took me longer due to my hair and makeup.

I had taken a shower and blow dried my hair, setting myself up in the bathroom in front of the wide-length mirror with my makeup.

I scattered it across the counter, sorting it out and applying my normal face makeup, keeping it light and flawless.

I wanted to make eyes look sultry and play with some glitter, but I tried not to go too over the top.

I was applying my eyeliner when Carlos knocked on the bathroom door.

"can I open my eyes?" Carlos asked as he poked his head in the door, his eyes tightly shut.

"yes," I laughed, watching as he entered the room and stood next to me in front of the mirror.

"I need to shave my face," he pointed to the stubble on his cheeks and chin.

I shifted over and he started to set up his facial materials.

Carlos smothered his face with shaving cream after wetting it and pulled out his razor.

"babe, why do you wear so much eye paint?" he asked, picking up an eye shadow palette.

"it's called eye shadow," I told him, waving my makeup brush around.

he smirked as he carefully continued to shave all around his lower face.

I was putting on my face powder with a large makeup brush when Carlos got closer into my face.

"your glitter looks really cool," he complimented me. "what are you supposed to be anyway? you never told me,"

"belly dancer," I mumbled as I carefully was putting on some fake eyelashes.

Carlos didn't say anything, but just finished up with his own face.

he was putting on some after-shave while I was brushing on my highlighter, and he was studying us in the mirror.

"what?" I asked uneasily, worried that he didn't like my makeup or costume idea.

"nothing, we just look like a well matched couple," he smiled softly, wiping his face with a towel.

I laughed and leaned into him.

"we look fabulous!" he giggled after he was done. "it should be illegal for two sexy people to be together,"

Carlos stood in front of the mirror and tried to make a sexy face by slanting his eyes and pursing his lips.

I mimicked his look after putting on lipstick, and we stood for a good two minutes making different faces in the mirror.

"what are we even doing?" I laughed, unable to stay serious any longer.

be not nobody // Carlos Correa Where stories live. Discover now