never been in love

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"you know, you are going to have to get up at some point," I teased Jezabelle, tugging on her ear gently.

we were still lying in bed and I was positioned on my back. Jezabelle was somewhat awake next to me with one of my arms under her head and the blanket covering our bodies.

It was cold outside, making the house chilly on the holiday morning.

"no," she mumbled into my skin, her eyes squeezing together.

I chuckled at her and found a way to sit up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

Jezabelle moved towards me and laid her head on my pillow while I stretched out my back and rolled my neck, hearing the joints crack.

she still hadn't moved so I took the time to go wash up in the bathroom. when I came back into the bedroom, Jezabelle was still laid in bed, but this time her head was covered by the pillow.

I grinned down at her and decided to pick her up bridal style to carry her into the bathroom. she didn't protest, despite the goosebumps that appeared on her skin and I was able to set her down gently.

"get yourself washed up. Jose will be over in a little bit and I have a surprise for you," I said, poking her dimple and exiting the room.

I picked her out some laid-back, warm clothes and a pair of fuzzy socks and raced to open the door when I heard the doorbell go off.

I knew my best friend was on the other side and I was in the holiday spirit to give out hugs.

"José!" I exclaimed, opening the door to let him.

"Carlos!" José returned my enthusiasm and my open hug.

"Merry Christmas!" we both said at the same time, laughing at each other.

José held two small, wrapped gift boxes in his hand and quickly shut the door behind him to prevent any more cold air from coming in.

I assumed one of the presents were for me so I motioned for him to follow me into the living room where I had his present.

Jezabelle made her way into the room with us and gave José a holiday hug before joining and sitting next to me on the sofa.

"the small one is for you, Carlos," José handed me a present box. "and the bigger one is for you, Jez,"

"these are for you," Jezabelle got up and grabbed three boxes from under the Christmas tree she had set up. "Carlos and I picked this present for Giannina, this one for the baby, and the other is for you,"

the rest of the presents under the tree were gifts Jezabelle had picked out for some of the other guys and their spouses.

I liked the fact that she hadn't known them for long but yet, she had a giving heart and felt the need to buy them something when she didn't have too.

"present? you mean, Carlos didn't decide to give out gift cards again this year?" José laughed at Jezabelle and then turned to me.

it made me laugh back at him because I was known for just handing out gift cards or just skipping the whole process altogether, handing out cash.

"don't look at me," I shrugged. "Jezabell-a did all the shopping this year,"

Jezabelle nodded proudly. "gift cards are boring, and seeing someone's expression is more fun,"

"okay then, let's see what Jezy picked me out," José said, picking at the wrapping paper.

I decided to open my gift at the same time and admired the sleek case that a brand-new silver watch laid in.

be not nobody // Carlos Correa Where stories live. Discover now