the hardest part

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Jean's trip had come to an end and I was also able to convince Jezabelle to stay a little longer at my place.

I was happy that they were able to bond with each other and Jezabelle even considered Jean's offer about traveling to Puerto Rico to meet the rest of our family.

before I said my said my goodbye to Jean, he told me that I have a good girl in Jezabelle.

he told me that he really got to know a lot about her and that he grew very fond of her.

he also described her as being easy-going and good-hearted.

Jezabelle knew when to give me my space and was very supportive; something that Jean had pointed out which he hoped would make us be together for a long time.

his talking made me gush over her and I thanked him for taking the time to meet her.

he knew I was falling for her.

he even pointed out that my eyes tended to sparkle whenever I was around her, and it was true.

Jezabelle and I were laid in bed, the both of us just resting our bodies.

she had gone to her morning college classes and went running five miles when she got back.

she claimed she was getting fat which I didn't notice; she had a real nice figure.

I was just tired from baseball.

of course I am still upset there would be no postseason, but I was going to take advantage of the off-season.

I was already lying in bed when Jezabelle got out the shower from her run, dressing in clothes she had in drawers I gave her after I persuaded her to live with me at least until season was over.

she joined me in the bed by snuggling next to me and pulling me on top of her. I settled myself onto her and placed my head on her chest.

she giggled.

"do that again," I said, my voice lightly muffled.

"no!" she laughed and rested her hands on my shoulders.

we laid there for a few minutes as she rubbed my shoulders and I twirled her damp hair on my fingers.

"are you tired? do you want to take a nap?" Jezabelle asked softly.

I shook my head no and heard her gasp before she let out a laugh. she must have liked the way it felt on her chest.

I picked my head up and went to kiss her which she gladly accepted when I went to run my hands up her sides until my phone started ringing.

I let out a groan and grabbed my phone from Jezabelle who held it out to me.

Hinch was on the other line and said that the team needed to be at the clubhouse earlier than usual to discuss things for next season.

I hardly listened to anything else he was saying, upset that one of mine and Jezabelle's moments were ruined once again and because I was way too comfortable to get up.

after the call ended, I groaned out again and squeezed Jezabelle closer to me.

I was getting very annoyed of our moments ending so short.


Carlos and I had arrived at the park and I wandered off around the stadium as he headed inside the clubhouse.

I met up with Noel, Ashley, Kara, Giannina, and met a new wife; Megan, Colby's wife.

we picked up where we left off from the first night I met them and I learned that Giannina and Jose were expecting a baby girl, something I didn't notice the first time.

the game started and all was going well until I saw frustration begin to build in Carlos.

he was playing the field properly and executing double plays, but he wasn't coming in contact with the ball.

Carlos was striking out consistently and leaving runners on base each time.

it made the pressure he carried as the clean-up man all the heavier.

I knew he was upset with himself when I saw him walk down from the dugout into the clubhouse with a bat and not return with it.

while it was normal in the course of baseball to strike out, I could tell that Carlos was getting irritated with it and with himself.

Tony Kemp went it to pinch-hit for Carlos when there were runners at the corners in what was Carlos's last at-bat.

Tony successfully brought the runners to score and went in to play at shortstop, benching Carlos.

the wives began to rub my shoulders as they saw how tense I was getting from watching Carlos.

they tried to tell me what to say to him to make him feel better but I was certain that he wouldn't want to hear any of it.

he would be spending too much time beating himself up.

when the game ended, I went straight to the player's parking lot with the girls and sat on Carlos's hood of his car to wait for him.

they started a new conversation while I scrolled through my phone, reading more and more comments about Carlos's solid defense but slumping offense.

Ashley and Noel had warned me about nasty things people would say before, but it was much harder seeing it.

it affected me mentally - and it wasn't even about me.

my heart just ached for Carlos.

my thoughts were soon interrupted by José who came up to me.

"hey, Jezy. just so you know, Carlos isn't exactly in the greatest mood right now. if he snaps at you or anything, it's just a baseball thing," José told me, giving me a sincere look and motioning for Giannina to follow him.

I nodded at him and gave Giannina a hug goodbye.

Collin, Lance, and Colby came out a few minutes later and told me the exact same thing Jose had which caused nerves to flood across my body.

I was left with Noel who tried her best to soothe me, something I was grateful for.

"if you don't want to face it, just go back to your place." Noel spoke. "but this is time where he really needs you," she finished as Marwin walked up.

"is this always the hardest part?" I asked, as she nodded sympathetically.

both Marwin and Noel looked at me genuinely as I tried to hold back my nervousness.

"Carlos..." Marwin trailed off. Noel patted his shoulder to stop him while I raised my hand to do the same.

"I know," I said. "any advice?"

"just be patient," Marwin said. "this is something we all go through. just give him his space and let him come around,"

I nodded my head again and turned to see Carlos walking up from a far.

"but if you make him feel better, we'll have to keep you around everytime," he chuckled as him and Noel turned to leave.

from the look of Carlos's face, I could tell tonight was going to be stressful.

"call me if things go wrong," Noel told me as she gave me one last hug.

"I promise,"

Marwin and Noel got into their car as soon as Carlos approached his car.

"hey," I greeted him.

Carlos returned my greeting by pressing the unlock button on his keys.

he still opened the passenger door for me, but quickly threw his bag into the backseat and slammed his door shut after he sat in the driver's seat.

I got in without saying another word.

I was really going to be in for it tonight.

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