Chapter 2

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      I woke up to the sting still left upon my cheek. Mental note, never disobey Derek. I got out of bed, took a shower and changed clothes. I was wearing a pink top, blue jeans and my Old Navy jacket. I put on makeup to hide the signs of abuse.

     When I walked down the stairs, I could hear Derek grumble in the kitchen. "Hey Derek," I said, "Can you take me to school early so I can talk to my friends about the trip?" He looked up at me from his newspaper and said, "You're still going there?" What kind of question was that? Of course I was.

     "Yeah, of course." It's been my dream since middle school. Derek nodded his head and got up. When he walked next to me, He shoved me with his arm. It was so hard that I fell to the floor with a loud thump. He grabbed his keys from the counter and walked out the door.

     I got up and dusted off my legs. I was used to this. Every time I would ask something for me, he would do it, but he would also hurt me in the process. I walked out the door and got into the car. The whole ride was in complete silence. When I got out of the car, he went off like a bolt of lightning.

     I looked around the school yard for my friends. All of a sudden, I felt a hard thud hit my back, and I fell to the floor. Why me? When I rolled over, I saw it was my two friends, Victoria Silbestre, and Courtney Ragle. Victoria looked at me with a big smile. "Sorry girl," she said, "Just very excited!" She helped me back up.

     Victoria wasn't like other girls. She was Hispanic. This gave her a huge advantage to grab guys attention. She was wearing her glasses, with her cameo jacket along with some blue jeans and a black shirt. She had long black hair cascading down her back. She was also the sassy one.

     When I got up, I looked at Courtney. She had medium sized, brown hair, wearing her blue jacket with a blue shirt, black jeans and a dark blue scarf. She was the serious one in the group. All she did was laugh. "It's the last day of school you know. We all act like this"

     She was right. I will never admit it though. I looked at her and nodded my head. We all looked at Victoria. She was just twirling her hair like nothing was happening. We all laughed and gave each other a great big hug. Then the bell rung for class. We all sighed and walked inside. I knew it was going to be a long day.

     Eight boring classes later, school was over! All of the seniors changed into their gowns and went to the gym. We all got in order by last name. Mine was Walker, so I was in the very back. Dang it. I could also see Courtney and Victoria from where I was.

     When my friends walked onto stage, I cheered my heart out. I was so proud of them. Then it was my time to go up there. All I focused on was to make sure not to fall. When I made it to the principle, I took the diploma, shook his hand, waved to the crowd, and got off. I forgot to mention this, but I was the shy one of the group.

     After the ceremony, we all threw our hands in the air. I weaved through the crowd trying to find my friends. I found them next to Victoria's car. She was going to take us to the airport because she was the only one to own a car.

     We piled in and jammed to some tunes. We were going to have the time of our lives. Courtney couldn't keep it in no longer. "Goodbye America, hello England!" This is the moment when I finally relised. I was finally free.

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