Chapter 4

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I just stared at him, expecting for an explanation. But no, all he did was clear his throat. "Is that code for something?" I asked him. "Um, no, not really. We're very popular. How could you not of heard about us?" Now it was his turn to stare at me.

"I don't own a computer," I told him. "I also have very few friends, and they don't talk about you either." Niall started laughing. Is he mental? Who starts laughing out of nowhere? "What's wrong?" I asked him. He looked towards the ground. "Nothing, its just that it's nice talking to a girl without getting screamed at."

"Wow. Does that happen a lot?" "More than you expect." I feel bad for them. Having to talk to barely anyone. On the other hand, its what my dad did to me. So I know how he feels. Then I started getting curious. "If that's true, then why are you here in a club?"

He looked at me again. "Harry convinced us that it was a good idea to get out and mingle for a while. I guess it worked. I got to meet you, and my friends meet yours."

That reminded me. My friends! I looked towards Victoria to see if Harry was behaving himself. I saw that they were both dancing to a slow song. Victoria rested her head on Seth's chest. They looked so adorable.

Then I looked at Courtney.

Her and Louis were not laughing anymore, but you could tell that they enjoyed each others company. I knew she wasn't the dating type, so I hoped he was okay with being friends.

"I guess we got lucky too. Its been a while since some gentlemen talked to us. We thought that we were going to be lonely cat ladies." For some reason, this made Niall laugh. Wow, never done that before.

It looked like me and my friends were having a great time. I hope that we wont ever have to loose something like this. We worked so hard to get this, and don't get me wrong, but I think that we should own every little bit of this.

Me and Niall were still talking at the bar when I looked at the clock here. 10:00! Oh my gosh, I cant believe that time has passed by so fast. If we don't get home soon enough, then we wouldn't have enough energy to go to the beach. Why would you do this to me father of time?!

"Its been nice and all Niall, but me and my friends need to heed home now." "Oh, okay. What hotel are you staying at?" He didn't waste anytime there, did he? "Sorry," he said. "But once I see something pretty, I got to make sure it gets home safe." Then he winked.

I need to stop speaking my thoughts out loud! "I'm staying at the one around the block." I started motioning for my friends to heed to the front entrance.

"No way! Me too!" He looked like he was a kid in a candy store.

"That's cool," I said. "Which floor?" "Floor 14. You?" "Top floor." His mouth dropped faster than a lightning bolt. "How do you have the top floor?!" I laughed at him. "I've been saving money for about 10 years now. I always wanted to live in England, and I was going to do it in style!"

I walked towards the entrance and saw Victoria and Courtney talking with the rest of the boys. "Hey Star!" They both jumped on me and gave me a great big hug. Looks like they had a great time.

"Star, I want you to meet Harry. Harry, this is my friend Star." Me and Harry shook hands. "And Star, this is Louis, vice versa." Louis and I shook hands too.

We introduced ourselves to each other and heeded out the door. I noticed how Victoria stayed near Harry and saw them holding each other hands. What have I missed? I then noticed Courtney and Louis playing rock, paper, and scissors. Don't ask me why, they were.

Niall told me the other two boy's name. Liam and Zayn. Liam had a girlfriend so he wanted to go  to the hotel early. Zayn didn't have one but he was tired. He went with Liam. I hope he finds one for him.

I felt something brush past my right hand so I tensed up. When I looked down, I noticed that it was Niall's hand. I looked at him and could tell that he was trying to act like it was an accident. He was showing all of the signs.

He was looking away, whistling, brushing his hair, swaying, and blushing.

So I got a burst of confidence from the pit of my stomach. I knew he was nervous and I wanted him to know that it was okay. So guess what I did next.

I grabbed his left hand with my right, and looked at his face. When he looked at me, I swear that his red face got even redder. He stared at me, like he was making sure that he had permission. When he knew that he did, he started to sway our hands.

I started blushing because I never done this before. I hope he didn't think I was weird and all. When I looked towards my friends, I saw that they were staring at me. What? They should be staring at themselves because they are doing it too.

After a couple of minutes, we finally reached our hotel. When we walked inside, we separated into our own groups.

"It was nice meeting you Niall." I let go of his hand and turned around. Before I could walk to my friends, I felt something turn me back around. "When can I see you again?" Niall asked. Whoa, didn't expect that.

"Uh, me and my friends were heading to the beach tomorrow. You can join us if you want."

"Sure, that sounds great." Niall let go of my hand and leaned into my ear. "I think we are going to see a lot of each other Star." He then leaned out, but not before he left a little kiss on my cheek. I saw him and his friends walk into the elevator.

And I swear that before the elevator doors closed, Niall had the biggest smirk on his face. I touched my cheek and it felt like it was on fire. I really didn't expect that to happen!

When I turned to my friends, I knew that they saw the whole thing. Victoria poked Courtney in the side and said, "I think our little Star has a crush!" "Look who's talking, Harry!" That shut her up pretty quick, and I saw her face go bright red. 

Courtney just laughed at the both of us. "Hey, the guys are going to join us tomorrow. Is that okay?" "Of course!" Courtney yelled. "I hope that Louis has more jokes. You guys will not believe how funny he is!"

We got onto the elevator and went to our floor. When we got inside, we took showers and changed into our pjs. Before we heeded off to bed, I had a little question to ask them. A really important one in fact.

"Hey guys," I said. "Did yall know that those boys are part of a band?" Victoria was that first to answer. "Of course! And did you see Harry and me?! We looked like a couple already! I promise you girls, that Amber is right. We are going to marry them boys."

"I know too." Courtney said. "Although, I think me and Louis are going to stay friends. I think of him as a brotherly way."

I was in shock.

"How come you never told me about them?" "We did." They both said. Huh, guess I was thinking of other things at the time. Like Derek.

Courtney said that she was going to tell me more about them in the morning. I guess I was going to learn about a certain boy tomorrow. Yeah!

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