Chapter 12

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Star's Point Of View: I woke up with tears in my eyes. I must have fallen asleep thinking about leaving. I sighed and sat up in the bed. I wiped my eyes and looked toward my clock. I saw that it was only 5 in the morning. I have about an hour to think through my plan before Courtney wakes up.

I wanted to tell my friends that I had to leave. I wanted them to know that I didn't have a choice, that it was for their own good. I wanted them to be safe. But I knew the answer to that. It was not going to happen. As soon as I told them I was leaving, they would never let me go. Especially Niall.

Niall, oh Niall. What was going to happen with him? Will he miss me? Or will he forget me and find someone knew? I couldn't stand to think about it.

I finally decided what I was going to do. I was going to sneak away.

I looked for my phone when I heard it vibrate. I found it next to the clock and grabbed it. I got a text message from my dad. 'I hope you made a decision.' I growled and texted him back. 'Yeah I did. I'm going with you. Pick me up in 20 minutes.'

I threw my phone in the pillows and got up. I gathered my clothes and went to take a shower. I let the water get cold before I got in. I wanted to wake up fast this morning.

When I got out and changed, I went into my room and grabbed my suitcase. I placed it on the bed and gathered my stuff. After finishing packing, I put my suitcase next to the door and went to grab my phone.

When I got a hold of my phone, I noticed the back wallpaper. It was me and Niall hugging looking into the sunset. I had my head on his shoulder and he had me in his arms.

I couldn't hold it anymore. I sat in the floor and started to sob. I cant believe he was forcing me to do this! I had finally started my new life. I was free! But I knew it wouldn't last. Nothing good lasts when it's for me. Maybe it's because I was worthless.

I was still sobbing when I noticed the time. 5:15. I wiped my eyes and put my phone in my pocket. I grabbed my suitcase and was about to leave when I got a thought. If I cant tell them, then I will just leave them a note, explaining my self.

I put the suitcase down and looked for some paper and a pencil. When I found them, I started to write everything that I needed to tell them.

'Dear friends, By the time you find this I will be in America. My father has come to London and forced me back home with him. I wanted to tell you all, I really did, but I knew that you would never let me go. If I didn't leave with him, I knew he would try to hurt those closest to me.

I didn't want you all to be in harms way. Courtney and Victoria, you have always been my sisters. You would always take up for me and I can not repay you. You have made my life ten times easier.

Boys, you would not believe how much you changed my life. You made me happy, but more importantly, you made my friends happy. They needed someone like yall ever since they meet me. I seemed to make them sad at times.

Niall, you have changed my life the most. I used to think that my dad was right. I would never be loved, was worthless and ugly. But then I meet you. You proved me wrong. You made me feel loved, cared and cherished. And I finally relised my mom was right. You are that other someone.

I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this to your face, but I love you Niall. I have ever since Our first date. I hope you feel the same about me. It's okay of you don't though, I understand.

Don't come after me. My father will hurt you if you do. I couldn't live with myself if you all got hurt. Just stay there. For me. I hope this explains everything. I have to go. Make sure my friends will be safe and I love you all. Love, Star Walker.'

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