Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of laughing. What the heck was so funny? I opened my eyes and found Victoria with a sharpie and Courtney with a frown. Did I mention that she had a mustache on her face too? "Hey girl. When did you get the new stache?"

She got very angry when I said this. "You shouldn't be asking me the question, just go look at a mirror."

I looked at Victoria and got a deep, sinking feeling. She was laughing while twirling the sharpie around. I leaped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, my whole world came tumbling down. My face had a mustache and full blown out beard. Why?!

I grabbed a towel, wet it down, and washed my face as hard as I could. 10 minutes later, I looked back at the mirror and was relieved. My face might be red, but at least I didn't look like a man.

I ran back into my room and saw that Courtney and Victoria were laughing their butts off. Remind me again why I agreed to be their friends. Oh right, because I didn't have any.

I ran towards them and jumped on top of them. We all started to wrestle and landed in the floor.

Once we got up, Courtney said "Remind me to never let her have a sharpie again." Victoria just stared at us in shock. "Come on guys, it was just a joke. Please don't be mad at me! Please, please, please!"

I looked at her and she knew that I couldn't hold a grudge. Darn her! Courtney sighed and got up. "We forgive you, but don't freak out if you wake up in the middle of the ocean." Wow, I never knew that she could be so crazy. Oh wait, I did!

I looked at the time and almost jumped out of my skin. It was almost 2:00 p.m! I jumped up and started to look through my clothes. "What are you doing Star?" I looked back and saw Victoria leaning in the door frame. "Look at what time it is! Don't you remember?! We have to be at the beach before they close!"

I guess Victoria got the message because I heard her run through the hallway, tell Courtney, and go through their clothes. I almost forgot. Niall and his friends are coming with us! We have to find something cute to wear. What? Their boys, and I want to leave a good impression. Especially on Niall.

Finally, after 20 minutes, we all got our swim clothes together.

I was wearing a two piece suit, the top half was red with white polka dots, and the bottom half was the same. My sandals were red on the bottom, and the laces were white. My towel had red and white stripes. I was just going with my gut on this.

Courtney was wearing a single piece suit that was blue with white stripes. Her sandals were like mine, white on the bottom, and blue laces. Her towel was also blue with white stripes.

Victoria an the other hand went all out. She was wearing a two piece suit, the top half had white triangles and said, "Hola!" across it. The bottom half matched the top but it didn't say anything on it. Her sandals were white on the bottom and had black laces. Her towel was all black and said, "Viva la Mexico!" going in a vertical way.

Her hair was in a high ponytail and was curled at the ends of it. She put her contacts in and left her glasses in the room.

Courtney's hair was just curled at the ends and was wavy going up to her head.

My hair was straight and flattened out, it reached my shoulders and waved out.

We all looked in the mirror for a finale time and gave each other a group hug. We walked out the door, and before we reached the elevator, my phone went off. Who the heck had my phone number? I looked at the caller ID and didn't recognized it.

I was skeptical at answering it, but yolo, am I right? "Hello?" I asked. I heard laughing at the other end. This better not be a prank call.

"Yeah, this is Niall, from the club. I was wondering if you would pick us up at our room. We don't have a car to go with." I knew it wasn't Niall because this guys voice didn't have the same accent to it. "Um, sure? Which room and floor are you staying at?"

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