Chapter 14

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Star's Point Of View:

I turned around and saw Niall. He was standing in front of the bar with his hands in his pockets, trying to look everywhere but at my eyes. It looked like he was nervous being here.

Now I know what your thinking. The typical girl would run into the arms of her boyfriend, saying how much she loves and missed him, and in the end they would live happily ever after. Well I'm sorry to tell you this but I'm not your typical girl. I just stared at Niall like he was insane.

"Why are you here?!" I basically yelled at him. Didn't he read my letter? He could be in danger! Oh, he better hope he didn't bring anyone else with him. I would beat him faster then he can say biscuit. I stopped what I was doing and turned to face him.

I saw a look of pure shock written all over his face. I guess he didn't get the reaction that he was expecting.

I put my hands on the counter and leaned on them. I wanted to look like I was in no mood to be messed with.

He walked closer to the bar, his mouth slightly a jar. "Wait, your not happy that I came for you? I thought that you missed me. You missed me right?" I blew a breath of frustration. "Of course I missed you Niall. You cant believe the pain I've been through." I turned around when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Katie was giving me a small smile. "I think you guys might want to take this outside. A lot of people are starting to notice." When Katie's words finally settled in my brain I looked through the room. Almost all of the customers were starting to look our way.

"Your right Katie. Would you mind taking my shift while I handle this?" I gave her my best puppy face. It worked. She smiled at me and gave me a nod. Who could say no to that face? I gave her the biggest hug that I could manage. It wasn't very big cause I'm sill sore.

"Thanks girl, your the best!" I let her go and walked around the bar. I went to the front entrance and turned around to see if Niall was falling me. When I saw he was I walked out of the bar.

I looked for a good place for us to talk and saw that my car was all by itself. Perfect.

I went to my car and got up on the hood. When Niall got on next to me, I scooted over so that there was some space. I guess Niall didn't like that cause he sighed and got off the hood. He started pacing in front of the car, like he was trying to think of something to say.

"What's wrong Star? How come you don't want me here?" He stopped pacing and looked me straight in the eyes. "What did I do wrong?" What? Is that why he's mad? He thought I left because of him? I swear, he could be so dumb at times.

"Niall, stop worrying. I left-" "Whatever I did Star, I'm terribly sorry. I'll never do it again." "Niall you didn't-" "I swear I will-" "Niall!" He jumped in shock and finally stopped talking. I sighed in relief.

"Niall, your not the reason why I left." Niall smiled when he heard it wasn't his fault. "I left because my father forced me to. He never said it but I knew that if I didn't leave, then he would hurt my family and friends. I couldn't risk that."

Niall's Point Of View:

I felt so much better knowing I wasn't the reason why she left. I can finally get everything out that I wanted to say. I walked back to the hood and got on. I noticed that this time she didn't try to scoot away. I smiled at that.

I grabbed Star's hands and caressed them with my thumb. "I'm so relieved to hear that Star. And don't worry, I wont let your dad hurt you or anyone you care about. Besides, once we are back home in London, he wont be able to come near you. We can-" "I'm going to have to stop you right there Niall. I never said I was going back to London with you."

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