Chapter 7

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes. It's been a while since I had some of those. Then I got a good feeling. It was going to be a good day because Courtney only made pancakes when she was super happy.

I got out of bed, took a shower, changed into some new clothes and walked into the kitchen. I saw Courtney cooking away, like there was nothing that was going to bring her down. I walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder.

She turned around and smiled. She put down her spatula and pulled me into a hug. After that was over, I looked at her with a questioning look.

"Why are you so happy Courtney?" She returned to cooking and said, "I'm going to try out for the new head chief at a fancy restaurant. I think I got a good chance because I'm the only one trying out." She did a little dance and flipped the pancakes.

I was still confused. "Why are you the only one trying out?" She put all of the pancakes onto a plate and responded with, "The first one to call and try out is the only one that can get the job. I hope that they accept me." She put the plate on the table and called for Victoria.

I sat down and grabbed a pancake. As soon as it landed on my tongue, I knew that this girl was going to get the job. She could make anything good. "Don't worry Courtney, if you make something this good, they're crazy not to hire you."

She smiled at me and sat in front of me. We continued to eat when a very happy looking Victoria walked in. "Hey girls." She said. She sat on the side of us and started to dig in.

"Why are you so happy?" Courtney asked. Victoria looked up and giggled. "Harry said that he had a good time last night and that this Christmas he has a very good present for me. Can you believe it?!"

I smiled at Victoria and said, "I am so happy for you girl. I hope that you two will get together." I gave her a high five and we continued to eat. Courtney looked at the time and then looked at me. "Hey Star," she said. "Don't you have to go on a date with Niall at 10?"

"Yeah why?" I mean, I have plenty of time to get ready. I don't sleep that late in. "Well," she continued. "It's 9 already. I think that you should start to hustle." I choked on my pancake and looked at the clock. Holy smokes, she wasn't kidding.

I ran from the table and looked for some outfits to wear. After 10 minutes, I found the perfect one. I changed and looked in the mirror. My shirt was white with blue stripes going horizontal. The skirt was sky blue, with a brown belt. My converse were also blue.

I went to the bathroom to do my hair. I decided not to let Victoria do it because who knew what that girl was capable of. I did a French braid going down the back and let some strands towards the front of my face.

After that, I did my makeup. I went straight for the natural look. I wore light eye shadow, some lip gloss, and a little bit of brown lipstick. I double checked everything and walked out to show my friends. They gave me a thumb of approval and we sat around watching tv, waiting for Niall.

After some time, we heard a knock on the door. We gave each other a hug and they pushed me towards the door. I opened it up to see the same blue eyes that I saw at the bar. I couldn't move, I was to memorized to say anything. After a while, I heard my friends clear their throats.

I coughed to hide my embarrassment and gave my friends a long, last smile and closed the door.

"You look stunning." Those were the first words to leave his mouth. I blushed and looked to see what he was wearing. He was wearing a red polo shirt, tan pants, and some black converse. He looked absolutely handsome.

"You don't look so bad yourself." It was his turn to blush. He grabbed my hand and lead me to the elevator. We got in and waited for it to go down. When we reached the lobby, we walked out and into the parking lot.

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