Chapter 17

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Derek's Point Of View:

I hit the record button and ran to the couch. I plopped onto it, while being careful at the same time. I didn't want to hurt my pregnant wife. I kissed her cheek while rubbing her swollen belly. Man. I cant believe that in a couple of weeks, I'm going to become a father.

I had to stop kissing her because she was giggling too much. Pregnant women have trouble holding in their bladders, so I didn't want her making a mess on herself.

I leaned away and turned towards the camera. "Well hello their, Star. Yes, we know who you are, because we are your parents." I pointed my finger towards Dianna's stomach. "That right there, is you. I know. Its weird, isn't it?"

Dianna grabbed my hand and started to rub it.

"We just wanted to make you this video because its been in the family for generations. We did it, your grandparents did and so on and so on. This just helps you know us a little better." Dianna finished. She looked up at me and smiled. But in her eyes, it looked like she was hiding something. I didn't want to question her, so I let it go.

I squeezed her hand to let her know that I was here. She smiled at me and turned back to the camera. "To start off, lets talk about how me and your father meet."

We continued to talk about ourselves until I noticed that an hour has gone by. I decided to end the video, so I left it on a positive note.

"Star, I just want you to know that me and your mother love you very much. We are going to be so proud of you in the future. No matter what you do. We love you." Me and Dianna waved at the camera bye and I got up and turned it off.

I grabbed the camera and put it in the corner of the room. I have to remember to grab it later. I was about to turn around when I felt two arms wrap around my stomach. "Do you think she is going to love us?"

I felt her tension through the hug and rubbed her arms.

I turned around and kissed her on her forehead. "Of course she is. Don't you worry about a thing." I hugged her back with some pressure, but not enough to hurt the baby.

She sighed and buried her head into my chest. We stayed like that for a while, until I heard her yawn. I chuckled and leaned out of the hug. "Come on sleepy head. Lets get you to bed." She looked up at me and nodded.

I held onto her hand and walked towards the stairs. I was about to step on them, but I heard Dianna scream beside me.

Dianna's Point Of View:

I've been feeling pressure in my lower region ever since the start of the video, but I didn't think nothing of it. I just thought it was cramps.

But when we started to walk towards the stairs, I lifted my leg and felt water trickle down it. I thought I wet myself, but I couldn't smell anything. So I looked down and saw that my water broke. I was so shocked that I didn't know I was screaming until Derek shook me.

"Dianna, calm down. Its going to be okay. I'm taking you to the hospital. It looks like Star wanted to make an early appearance."

No, no, no! I wasn't suppose to have her until another few weeks. This is too early! What if she gets hurt?!

Derek led me toward the front door and pushed me out. We walked towards his car and got in it.

He drove like a maniac towards the hospital, and when we were halfway there, I started to feel the contractions. Oh God! They hurt like hell! Come on Dianna. You can do this. Do it for Star. For Derek. Come one!

When we finally made it to the hospital, I was starting to see stars. Ha, ironic. Derek helped me out of the car and walked us through the front doors. "Help! My wife is going into labor! Someone help us!" Derek yelled. A nurse saw us and grabbed the nearest wheelchair.

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