Chapter 9

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My mouth dropped when I looked up at him. This wasn't suppose to happen. They were supposed to get the jump on. How the heck did they know we would be hiding?! "How did you know we were here?" Niall gave me a smirk and said, "Well, when we were on the phone, I heard your friends laughing in the background. Also, I don't know when the spa is open in America, but in London, they are closed in the morning."

I looked towards my friends and saw them talking with the guys. I looked back at Niall and saw him outstretch his hand. I smiled and let him help me up. "By the way," Niall said. "What were you girls going to do to us?"  I grabbed him by the shoulder and laughed. "We were just going to scare you. No biggie."

I walked towards my friends and asked what they were talking about. "We told the boys that we were going to stay home but they had a different plan. They want us to go to the movies with them." Courtney said. Victoria said "Plus, since tonight is Christmas, they want us to go to their room so we can open presents."

I started to form a from. I forgot that tonight was Christmas! What am I going to do? I got it! "How about we go to the mall after the movie, I saw something that I wanted to buy." Yes, nice save Star!

"Sure," Liam said. "We have to watch out for fans though. So you girls can walk a head of us."

We all agreed and walked out of the room. When we got out of the apartment, we got into the boys car. Their car was way bigger then ours, so Courtney didn't have to sit on any bodies laps. We sat in the same order that we did in Victoria's car.

"So what do you usually do on Christmas in America?" Zayn asked. "Well," Victoria begun. "We all meet at Courtney's house in the morning because she makes the best cookies! We then just talk about everything that has happened to us. In the afternoon, we would watch Christmas movies until night time. Then, we would open the presents that we got each other."

"That sounds like fun." Harry said. "I cant wait until you get your present. I hope you like it." He grabbed her hand and started to rub it with his thumb. She looked and smiled at him. Harry leaned over and gave her a peck.

Louis asked "What did your parents give you?" "They gave me some money to put on my card." Courtney said. "Mine gave me cooking supplies. I didn't stop cooking until school." I just laughed at her. Louis turned around and looked at me. "What did you get Star?" I stopped laughing.

I saw Courtney and Victoria tense up.

"It was nothing important, just some stuff other kids wouldn't like." Louis just snickered. "Come on," he said. "It cant be that bad. I know your mother is not alive, but your dad got you something. What was it? Clothes, books? Come on, tell us." The other boys were nodding their heads in agreement.

I didn't want to lie to the boys. I wanted them to trust me. Especially Niall. I don't want him to remember me as a liar. I decided it would be best if I just came out with it. What would happen?

"Actually, my dad didn't get me anything. He would say that buying stuff for me is a waste of money because I was worth nothing. I had to hear that every Christmas. That's why I'm so grateful that I have my friends. They always made sure I had something to get, even though I wouldn't ask.

I would have to sneak out at night so my dad wouldn't hear me. If he did, then he would make sure that it would never happen. To tell you guys the truth, my dad would abuse me. Verbally and physically. I think he was mad because I was the reason his love was taken away. I would tell him I was sorry but he would never listen. Now you know the truth. I hope you don't think differently of me."

"Of course not sweetie." Niall said. He wrapped me into a warm hug. I instantly felt myself relax into his warm embrace.

Niall's point of view:

Keep Calm And Love Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now