Chapter 11

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My heart stopped when I heard his voice. There was no reason why he should be calling me. I moved out, I was free. He shouldn't be bothering me. He shouldn't know my number. My phone was new. "Why are you calling me dad?" I wanted to hang up so bad. I didn't though cause I didn't want Victoria and Courtney to be suspicious. They wouldn't leave me alone until I told them. I didn't want that.

I heard him laugh on the other end. "I called you because I want you to come home. No, I'm ordering you to come home. I'm having trouble paying the bills so I need you to get a job and pay for them. It's the only thing you're good at. Plus with all the money you have, it should be easy."

My blood started to boil when he mentioned coming home. Who does he think he is? Ordering me? He apparently doesn't know I'm an adult now. He cant order me around anymore. I wanted to show him who was boss.

I sighed and looked at my friends. "Can you excuse me? Someone is trying to sell me something." "Of course." Victoria replied. I smiled at them and walked towards the bathrooms. When I walked inside, I went into a stall and locked it. I answered him back before he could get angry.

"Dad, I'm not coming home. I'm 18 and an adult. You cant order me around anymore. London is my new home now. I'm staying here and there is nothing you can do about it." I sighed in relief. All of the pressure was finally released. I think I can actually do this.

But it didn't last long. I heard my father yell in annoyance and heard a loud bang. He better hope that it wasn't mine. "I was knew you were going to say that. That's why I already bought a ticket for London. I'll be there before you know it. I'll see you later Star."

I froze in place. This cant be true. This cant be happening. My breath started to quicken from the shock. I had to ask him a question though. Before he hung up, I woke from my trance and said, "How did you get my phone number? I got a new phone so my number changed." "The phone company sent me a copy of the phone which included the number. Should have paid attention in school. Bye Star." I heard him laugh before he hung up.

I sat in the stall, not knowing what to do. My father was coming to London. To pick me up. To take me away. From my happiness. My friends. My boyfriend. My new life. What did I do to deserve this? I just wanted a normal life like other girls.

I shook out of my trance when I heard the bathroom door open. "You in here Star?" Courtney said. I put my phone up and checked to see if I was crying. I walked out of the stall when I saw I wasn't. "Hey girl." I said.

I went to look in the mirror, pretending I was fine. I didn't want her to worry about me. I would never hear the end of it.

She looked at me worried. "What took so long? You were gone for about 10 minutes. What were they trying to sell you?" I could tell she was trying to be funny, but I didn't laugh. I didn't have the energy. She walked in front of me and grabbed my shoulders.

I wanted to hug her, to let her know everything. But I couldn't. That would show I was weak. I couldn't do that to myself. It would hurt too much.

"You okay? You look worried. What's wrong?"

Should I tell her? That my dad was taking me away? That I was scared for my life? I didn't want to burden my friends with my problems, so I decided not to. I can take care of myself. I looked at her and said "Yeah, its just that the guy wouldn't stop bothering me. Everyone time I wanted to hang up, he would keep giving me a new price. It was very tiring."

I could tell she still wanted to ask questions but didn't want to pressure me. Smart girl. She simply said okay and we walked out of the bathroom and back to  the booth that Victoria was at. I looked at my phone and saw that it was already 10. I got a text from Niall and it said that they got home earlier than expected.

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