Chapter 19

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The first thing that I heard was the birds chirping. Whoa, morning already? Why does sleeping have to be so short? I was about to drift back to sleep when I heard a knock on the door. "Star, its time to wake up darling." It was Niall.

I started to groan and pulled the covers over my head. "No, five more minutes please!" I felt the blankets get pulled away and cold air hit me body. "Damn its cold! Shut the door, hurry!" He went to the door and closed it. I sighed and sat up in bed.

"What time is it?" I asked. Niall looked towards the clock and chuckled. "Its 10 in the morning." I groaned once again and feel back wards. "Why did you wake me up so early?"

He walked to me and sat on the bed. "Because you have to get ready. Our friends will be here any minute." I jumped up at his words. "Any minute?! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!"

"Because you would be tired and grumpy. I wanted you to get some much needed rest." I was looking through all of my clothes while he was taking. "Well thanks. I did need it. Taking care of two 5 year olds is pretty hard." He chuckled at my response.

"Don't worry about them. They are already ready and eating breakfast downstairs. Just get ready and we will meet you down there."

I stopped what I was doing and face Niall. "Thanks sweetie. You are the best." He shrugged at this and walked to me. "I do my best." He pecked me on the lips and gave me a small smile.

"Hurry up now. Don't want to be late." I smacked him on the arm for reminding me about it.

"Just go to the kids mister." I giggled at him while he ran out of the door. Great. Now that I'm alone, I can get some progress done. I grabbed the clothes that I wanted and walked into our bathroom. I took a 10 minute shower and changed clothes. I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth and did a little makeup.

I walked down the stairs and saw that Niall was playing paddy cake with the kids. I laughed at the scene and I guess they heard it because they looked up at me. "Mommy!" The kids yelled. They got up from Niall and ran towards me.

The first one that reached me was my little boy Max. He had light blonde hair from Niall and a little mix of brown from me. He had his fathers eyes and had my nose and cheek. All in all, he mostly looked like Niall.

I opened my arms for him and he crashed into me like a playful puppy. "Hi Max! How you doing darling?" He gave me the biggest smile in the universe.

"Good! Is it true that Aunt Courtney, Victoria, Amber, Katie, Uncle Louis, Zayn, Harry, Liam and Dean are coming over? Is it?" I poked his little nose when he was finished.

"Yes it is. They said that when they come over, that they have a surprise for you and your sister." He got very happy at this and ran back to Niall to tell him the news.

While he was doing that, my other child ran into my arms. Her name is Anastasia. "How are you Anastasia?" She had long, straight brown hair with blonde ends. I don't know how, but I love it. She had blue eyes, but this time she had Niall's nose and mouth. She looked mostly like me.

"I'm doing great mommy! Daddy said that everyone is coming over. I'm so excited!" I smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek. "Well guess what Anastasia." "What?" She giggled. "When everyone comes over, they said that they have a surprise for you and Max."

She smiled and gave me a hug. When she pulled away, there was a loud knock on the door. I saw her and Max get really excited when they heard it. Niall got up and walked towards the door.

I grabbed Anastasia's and Max's hands and waited patiently for everyone to come in. Niall opened the door and welcomed everyone inside.

The first one to step through the door was Zayn and Katie. Second was Harry and Victoria. Third was Courtney and Amber. And finally it was Louis, Dean and Liam. When Max and Anastasia saw them come in, they let go of my hand and ran to give everyone hugs.

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