Chapter 16

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Star's Point Of View:

I fluttered my eyes open, feeling the warm sun on my face. Stretching my arms out and yawning, I turned over to face Niall. But he wasn't there. I sat up in bed and looked everywhere. Where was he? It wasn't like him to wake up this early.

Just then, I heard a knock on the door. I looked over to it and saw Niall walk through with a plate of food. He gave me a sheepish grin when he noticed I was awake.

"Hey there, sleepy head. I made you breakfast in bed. I know you had a rough day yesterday, so I decided to let you have a break. I hope this makes you feel better." I came towards the bed and sat right besides me. I layed the plate on my lap and gave me a smile.

On the plate, there was five pieces of toast, three pieces of sausage, some eggs and a cup of coffee. I don't really like tea that much, so I was glad he gave me coffee instead.

I laughed when I saw the whole thing. "Niall, you know I cant eat this much." He grabbed a piece of toast and took a bite off it. "I know. That's why I'm here to help."

When we were done eating our breakfast, and when I say 'our', I mean Niall's, Niall left the room so I could take a shower and change. After I was done with that, I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room. I saw Niall sitting on the couch watching t.v.

I also noticed that my box was still on the counter. I looked toward the clock to see what time it was. It said that it was around 12:30. I really slept for a long time. I guess it was because we stayed up late, talking at the parking lot.

I sighed, just thinking about it made me feel sad.

Well, I guess I have some free time. Unless we were going somewhere. "Hey Niall," I said. He looked away from the t.v to me. "Yeah honey?" "Are we going anywhere?" He thought for a moment. "No. Why?" I just shook my head. "No reason."

I walked towards the counter and grabbed the box. I stared at it, to see what was so special. But I saw nothing. It was just a brown box. I walked towards Niall and sat down on the couch. I placed the box between us and looked at him.

He turned off the t.v. and rotated his body to face me. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He grabbed my hand and caressed it. I blew my breath and closed my eyes.

"I'm going to have to open it sooner or later. Might as well be sooner." I let go of his hand and place it on the lid of the box.

I opened my eyes and opened the box.

When I opened the lid, the first thing that I saw was a mirror on the lid. On the top of the mirror, a phrase was written out. It said, 'This is the person you were born to be.' I looked on the mirror and smiled. I am glad I turned out the way I am.

In the bottom, there were some DVDs, letters and pictures. I wanted to save the DVDs for last, so I started with the pictures. There was a total of five pictures. The first picture I looked at was a picture of my mother. She looked to be in her early twenties.

She was looking into the sunset, smiling. This to be before I was born, because she is still alive. I saw that she wasn't wearing a wedding ring, so this was before she meet Derek. Does this mean that she was happy during marriage too? I hope sp. She looked so happy in this picture. I wonder if that changed after I was born? I cant think about that right now. I mentally shook my head and handed the picture to Niall.

The next picture was my dad and mother, holding each other. They were looking into each others eyes, smiling. I noticed that they were wearing their wedding rings. Well, at least they were happy during marriage. They both looked pretty young, so I guess this was their early stages of marriage. I smiled at it and handed it to Niall also.

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