Chapter 13

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Niall's Point Of View:

It was currently 8 in the morning and I was walking down the streets of America, trying to find a bar. Now I know what you're thinking. 'Hey Niall, how did you get some awesome abs?' Well the answer is easy me friend. Exercise. I'm just kidding, you're probably thinking why I'm not looking for Star.

Well don't get your knickers in a twist, I'm still looking for her. Its just that I've been here for a week and still cant find her. I just needed a break cause I haven't been to sleep in a while. I could use some energy right now.

I finally found a bar and went to walk in. Instead, I crashed right into the doors. They wouldn't open. I looked around the doors and noticed a sign that said 'Closed.' What the heck?! What kind of bar isn't open at 8?! Just then I remembered where I was. America is so confusing.

I was so frustrated. I couldn't find Star, I was tired, and now the bars aren't open! I kicked the building in anger and regretted it. I grabbed me foot in pain and slid down the building. I just wanted to cry, nothing was going my way. But I knew I couldn't cause this was about Star, not me.

I sat in that spot for about ten minutes, not wanting to move. I then noticed a girl walk to the bar. I was about to tell her it was closed when she pulled out a key. She opened the doors and walked inside. I guess they were open now.

I got up and walked in after her. When I got inside, I noticed that she was taking all the chairs down. She must work here then. "Excuse me miss," I said. "Do you need any help?"

She jumped in surprise of my voice. "Don't scare me like that!" she yelled. After she calmed down, she turned around to face me. I think I scared her again cause her eyes got big and she screamed. She ran over to me and grabbed me in a hug.

"Oh my goodness! I cant believe you're here! I love you guys so much, I'm a huge fan!" I was confused as to what she was saying. Then I remembered. I was apart of One Direction. Its been so long since I seen a fan that I actually forgot I was famous.

I hugged her back so that she didn't think I was rude. After we were done hugging, she went back to taking down the chairs. "I guess you can help me. After were done here, you can wait at the bar and I'll be with you shortly."

I helped her with the chairs and walked to the bar. I saw her walk in the back, so I guess she was changing for work.

I was looking around the bar when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw it was the girl. "What can I get you?" It took me a second before I could answer. "Do you have any energy drinks?" "Yeah, its in the back though. I'll be right back." When I saw she was gone, I layed my head on the table.

When I got to America, I texted her friends which state she lived in. They said Kentucky and that is where I went. I thought this was going to be easy though. Get there, pick her up, take her back home where she belongs, and live happily ever after. How more wrong could I have been.

Ever since I got here, no one seems to know her. Either she is a ghost, or she never liked to socialize a lot. I'm going to go with the ladder.

Its been a week. I'm starting to loose hope in ever finding her. What if I'm in the wrong place, that maybe her father made her move. What if I never find her?! I love her, I don't want to loose her! I want her to be safe, hold her in my arms and never let her go.

I could feel the tears brim my eyes so I had to stop thinking about her. I knew that if I cried, I would never stop. I rose my head up when I heard that girl walking back to me. I saw that she had a red bull in her hand. I smiled at her when she handed it to me.

"You're lucky," she said. "That was our last one." "Thanks." I said. I was pulling money out of my wallet when she stopped me. "No need, this ones on the house. It looks like you've had a rough time." I smiled at her in appreciation and put my wallet back up.

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