Chapter 3

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When we got off the plane, we looked for a cab. When we found one, we all piled in. I told the driver the address of the hotel and he took off. I guess he didn't really like his job. Oh well, that's what he gets.

"We should go to this club my friend owns after dinner." Courtney said. "We can introduce ourselves to her! She would be so happy!" Friend? "Yeah, her name is Amber and we meet on Facebook. It's like were sisters!"

Wow. I must have been speaking my thoughts out loud again. "We should go!" Victoria replies. I just smiled and nodded my head. "How much is it to get in?" I asked. "Since were friends, we get in free! Isn't that great?!" Yeah that was great. Me and Victoria nodded our heads.

These were my friends. I wanted to do everything with them. They were like my only family. We got out of the cab when it reached our destination. We got into the elevator and headed to the top. That's right, penthouse! This is what happens when you save your money for almost your entire life.

We opened the door and gasped. The room had the biggest living space. It also had a flat screen tv, ps4, and a land of couches! Not kidding. We can invite at least 15 people if we wanted. That's not going to happen though.

In the kitchen, we had two refrigerators, 20 cabinets, an island, and one stove. I don't know why we only had one stove, maybe its because no one lived up here for a while. Courtney could cook. Oh well.

We had three rooms and bathrooms. You know, privacy. We hit the jackpot! This is the rewards that you earn when saving money. I hope we would never have to leave!

After we picked our rooms, ate dinner, and took showers, we changed into our clubbing clothes. Let me tell you, we looked good.

Courtney was the first done. She wore a dress that came below her knees. It was dark blue with the top half glittering. White heels and jackets, along with earrings. This outfit said that I just want to have fun.

Victoria on the other hand, was a bit different. Her dress was black, came above her knees, and had a slit on the right side. Her heels, earrings, and necklace were black too. Her's said 'Want to dance?'

My outfit was way different. I wore a white dress that came above my knees, sparkling on the top half, and frilly at the bottom. My earrings, heels, and bracelets were also white. My outfit said notice me.

Courtney's hair was straight, curly at the bottom, and braided at the top. She didn't like her hair to be in her face. Victoria's hair was just curly. She thought it made her look more Hispanic. My hair was also curled, but it was in a high ponytail. I was just going to be cool.

"Are we ready?" Victoria asked. She was an impatient one, yes she was. "Heck yeah!" Courtney replied. These were my friends and if you had a problem, then you can just walk away. We looked in the mirror one last time, and headed out the door. Here we come!

We walked to the club since Courtney said it was just a block away. "What's the club's name anyway?" I asked. Courtney laughed. "The Luck." Victoria looked at her like she was crazy. "The Luck? Why the heck would she call it that?"

For real, I had the same dang question! "She calls it that because Amber believes that anyone who hooks up there will get married." Wow. Did that girl have big dreams or what. I'm going with what. We continued walking until we saw the club. The sign was big and bright, neon letters, and green.

We all looked at each other and screamed with joy. I think that I was the only one nervous because I was the only one not to run inside. On the inside, the music was blasting. The dance floor was jumping with bodies, and the bar was barely occupied. Great!

I grabbed my friends hand and walked to the bar. "We would like three glasses of ice water with lemons please!" I asked the waitress. She turned around and then I heard Courtney scream. "What's wrong with you girl?!" Victoria asked. "Its Amber! How are you?!" Amber smiled and replied, "I've been good. Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise! Amber, these are my friends Victoria, and Star. Girls, this is Amber." We both shook her hand and talked for a while. We learned that she owned the club because her dad passed it down to her. We also found out why she believes people who hook up here will get married.

She said that her parents meet here with their friends. They meet at the dance floor, got to know each other, and a couple of months later got married. I didn't think that you could marry someone with in a couple of months. They must of really loved each other. I hope me and my friends could do that.

Victoria said that she wanted to go dancing and we told her we would watch from the bar. There's one thing that you should know about this girl. She loved to dance. Once she hit that floor, she was in her own world. That's why we watched her. We made sure that no guy got to close without her permission.

"There are a couple of guys watching us at the booths." Courtney said while smiling. I was confused. At us? When I looked towards the booths, I couldn't have been more surprised. There were five guys staring at us! There was a curly headed one, a tan one, a blonde one, a tall one, and a serious looking one.

The curly headed one was staring at Victoria, the tall and blonde ones were looking at us, and the other two were just talking to each other. Then something happened that you wouldn't believe. The curly one headed towards Victoria. He better watch it! When he got close to her, I was about to do something when Victoria smiled at him. He was okay, for now.

Then I felt a poke on my left shoulder. When I looked left, I saw that most gorgeous blue eyes in the world. "Um, hello there." Blonde said. I looked towards Courtney when I saw her talking to the tall one. What the heck is happening?! Courtney looked towards me and gave me a thumbs up. She walked to the booths with the tall guy.

I looked back towards blonde and smiled. "Hey there." He smiled and took his hand out. "My name is Niall." I shook his hand and said, "My name is Star. It looks like our friends are getting along." We looked towards Victoria and curly and saw that they were dancing with each other. Wow, that was fast. Then we looked towards Courtney and tall guy. They were laughing there hearts out.

"Yeah. Louis is talking to your brown haired friend, and Harry is dancing with your black haired friend. Looks like there getting along quit well." I laughed. "Victoria is with Harry and Courtney is with Louis. I never knew that they could be this cool about it." I looked back at Niall. He just stared at me like I was insane. Was there something on my face?

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face? Hair?" He shook his head in shock. "No, No! You look beautiful!" We both blushed in surprise. Me because of the compliment and him because he didn't realize he said that. I giggled. I actually thought it was nice.

"Then why were you staring at me like I was insane?" He coughed and looked down. "Because... I'm in a One Direction."

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