Chapter 6

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"Niall, truth or dare?" Louis said when the bottle landed on Niall. I could feel him tense when he was asked that question. I looked at Liam and saw that his eyes were about to pop out of his head. "Um, truth?"

Louis thought about his question for a little while. "Is it true that you dance in front of the mirror after each shower?"

That was the weirdest question ever. I guess that happens when playing truth or dare. Don't look at me like that, I've never played this game before. I only saw it in movies.

I looked at Niall and saw him breath a sigh of relief. "Yeah, that's true." He said while chuckling.

He looked at me and saw that I was smiling. I mean come on, that was pretty funny. He grabbed the bottle and spun it in a circle. When it stop, it landed on Victoria. "Victoria, truth or dare?" Knowing her, she would do dare every time.

"Dare!" She seemed so excited for these questions. Niall thought about it. "I dare you to kiss Harry for ten seconds."

Everyone looked at them, waiting to see if they would do it. The only thing that I could think was that if they did do it, then he better keep it at first base. If he thinks about stealing, then he better watch out for me. Harry and Victoria just looked at each other, like they were having a conversation that no one knew about.

Then it happened. They both leaned in, closed their eyes, and kissed. There was nothing perverted about it, just a normal peck. It was sweet, caring, and short.

When they broke apart, I knew that they felt something. They had the same look in their eyes like the actors in love movies. It seemed like they never wanted to be apart from each other. Good for her, she found someone that cared for her.

Victoria blushed and spun the bottle. Harry sat next to her with the biggest grin on his face. Watch it mister!

The bottle landed on Courtney this time! I knew this was going to be good because they do the biggest pranks on each other. I saw Courtney take a big gulp. Victoria just gave her an evil smile. "Courtney, truth or dare?" "Dare." Courtney responded.

Victoria looked at Zayn and said, "I want you to video this." She then looked back at Courtney. "I dare you to dance with Louis while singing Twinkle Star." I saw Zayn take out his phone and start up his camera. Courtney and Louis got up and started to dance. When Zayn said he was recording, they both started to sing.

Let me tell you, if Louis wasn't singing with her, then all of our ears would have busted. Sorry girl, but it's true.

It was already getting dark, so I guess it was about 7. The bonfire was still lit, and if it wasn't, we would have been frozen about now. I looked at everyone hear and smiled. I grabbed the necklace I was wearing and thanked God that I was hear. I never knew that I could be this happy without my mother.

I think I started to cry because I felt a thumb wipe away a tear. I looked over and it was Niall, smiling at me while caressing my face. I smiled back and crawled into his lap. He wrapped his arm around me and started to rub my back. I cant remember the last time that I felt this calm.

Courtney spun the bottle and it landed on Liam, he spun it and it landed on Zayn, and he spun it and it landed on me. Oh, great. "Star," he said. "Truth or dare." I didn't feel like doing anything stupid so I went for truth. "Truth." I said.

Zayn thought about his response for a little while. Then he got it. "What is the most saddest and happiest time in your life?"

I saw that my friends tensed up when he asked that question. They knew everything about me, and that includes my mother dying, my abusive father, and everything in between.

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