Chapter 8

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I sat in the chair, not knowing what to say. Niall, a guy that I meet a couple of days ago at a club, the guy that made me feel cared about, a guy that wanted to hang out with me, not caring I would ruin his reputation, asked me to be his girlfriend.

I stared into his bright blue eyes, as if they held the answer. Lets think about the pros and cons first. Pro, I will have someone to care for me. Con, I may never have privacy again. Pro, he said that he will always be there for me. Con, it might not last.

I thought about it over and over again in my head. Maybe if I ask him some questions first, then that will determine my answer.

"If we do go out, how will we try to avoid the paps?" "That's easy," he said. "I will make sure that we go somewhere private. If I cant do that, then I will try to find a place that doesn't get a lot of news. I will try my hardest to make sure that you are okay."

Good answer. "What if you have to leave for a tour or something. How will we contact each other?" "I will call you every day. Maybe even face talk. Or, I can bring you with me. Your choice."

That was also a good answer. Then I thought of the best question ever. If I like the answer, then it will be a deal breaker. "How will I know if you wont cheat on me?" He responded with, "Like this."

He grabbed my chin and made me look him straight in the eyes. I didn't know what was happening until I felt his lips on mine. I didn't respond at first, but after a while, I got the hang of it and started to kiss back. It was a slow, sweet kiss. Like he was showing me how much he cared for me.

After a couple of minutes I knew my answer. "Yes." He looked at me with a dumb found look. "What?" he said. I giggled at him. He was so cute when he acted surprised. "I said yes, Niall. I will be your girlfriend."

He stared deep into my eyes to make sure I wasn't lying. When he found the truth, he flashed me that smile that captured me since the beginning. He was about to kiss me again when the farris wheel started to move again. Instead, he held my hand and continued to smile at me.

When we got to the bottom and got off, he took off with me to the carnival mini games. He said to celebrate this occasion, he wanted to win me a stuffed wolf. I never told him that my favorite animal was a wolf. I guess he got lucky on this one.

The game was to try to knock off all the bottles with the balls. Niall got it on the first try and won the biggest stuffed wolf I have ever seen. I thanked him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

We played some more games when I noticed it was getting dark. I asked Niall what the time was and he said that it was close to 8. I couldn't believe that we stayed here for nearly 8 hours.

"Hey Niall, I think it's time that we heeded home. What do you think?" He grabbed my hand and lead me to the car. "I agree, but I want to show you something first." We got in the car and headed to what Niall calls, a surprise. I put the wolf in the back so it wouldn't get in the way. Along the way, a song came on that had a catchy beat to it.

I started to listen to it when Niall decided to sing along with the radio. "Carry on my wayward son. There will be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don't you cry no more."

The song faded away and I stared at Niall like he was crazy. "How do you know this song?" He laughed and stared out the window. "I know this song because it plays on my favorite show."

After remembering the song, I could tell what show it came from. I can tall you this, he is a great singer. We listened to the radio a little more until we reached our destination. We parked and I noticed that we were in a forest.

Niall got out of the car first and opened my door. When I got out, he grabbed my hand and lead us down a path. I didn't want to loose my wolf so I left him in the car. I was looking around us, trying to see what was here. It was beautiful. There were pine trees everywhere, birds chirping, and crickets cricking.

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