Chapter 18

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                                                                            The Wedding

                                                                            5 Years Later

Victoria's Point Of View:

I was standing in front of the mirror, looking at how beautiful my dress was. It was a strapless white wedding dress, that was thin in the middle but flowed out at the bottom. I smiled. I cant believe that I'm getting married. I always knew that I would, but I didn't know that it was going to be with Harry Styles!

I was doing little spins to see my dress flow out when I heard a knock at the door. I stopped spinning and walked towards it.

"Who is it?" I heard giggles coming from the other side. It better not be Harry. "Its us and the boys. Don't worry, Harry isn't with us." I sighed a breath of relief when I heard Courtney's voice. I opened the door and let everyone in.

Courtney and Amber walked in while Louis, Liam and Zayn walked in behind them. They walked next to the bench and sat down.

If I hadn't mentioned it yet, we were at a church. My room had a bench in it because... I have no idea. I only came here because Harry said that him and family came here. I just wanted him to be happy. I would do anything for that boy.

I closed the door and walked back to the mirror. I was looking over myself when someone started to talk. "So, are you ready for your big day?" I knew it was Amber by how excited the voice was. When she heard I was getting married, that was the only thing she could talk about for weeks.

I turned to them and smiled. "I sure am. But, to be honest, I am kinda nervous. What if I trip up there? Or forget what to say?" My heart was beating faster just thinking about it.

I think Courtney noticed because she came over to me and patted my back. She then started to say soothing words to me.

"Victoria, everything is going to be all right. When it comes to us women, anything romantic is our second nature. You're going to be fine. Just don't think about it. Look straight into Harry's eyes and he will help you. Trust me."

I was getting a little better. Maybe she's right. I just need to calm down.

I took a deep breath in and let it out. I was calming down a little more. "Have yall meet Harry yet? How is he doing?" All the boys started laughing. I was confused. Shouldn't they be happy? What were they laughing about?

"What is it?" I asked. Zayn was the first to answer. "When we checked in on him, that boy was a mess. He was nervous about everything you was nervous about. And I swear, I think I saw that boy tear up a little bit."

I was shocked. For two reasons. Number 1, I cant believe that Harry was nervous as well. I thought he was going to play it cool, like all guys do. Number 2, why were they laughing at that? Shouldn't they have tried to calm him down?

I was getting a little mad inside. "Well, shouldn't you all have helped him? Like, calm him down or anything?" They sensed the anger coming off of me so they stopped laughing.

"Victoria calm down. When we saw that he was a mess, we all tried to make him better." Liam said. Good. That made me happy. "We only laughed because we never saw him like this. You're really important to him Victoria." I smiled at his words.

"And besides," Louis started. "If it makes you feel better, Niall is doing a lot worse. He was running everywhere when we walked in. So we just walked back out, not wanting to bother him."

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