Original Work

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Tumblr prompt: I'm a librarian and you keep leaving your original works on the shelves and these stories are great but you should really publish these before sticking them in the library

Note: I have changed the story a bit, so it doesn't exactly fit the prompt. Also, this is a very long one-shot. It's actually longer than I expected it to be. And I'm sorry that the ending is kinda crap, I had to end it somewhere. But please, enjoy!

Pairing: Terrornuckel

It was 5 o'clock in the library, and Brock was bored. He usually was at this time. Brock was a librarian, and it wasn't exactly the most exciting thing in the world. Though every once in a while he'd be able to sneak food in there and have his lunch while reading a novel that he picked up. That was about as exciting as it gets.

Then the man came. Brock had never seen him before in his life; he had just showed up. He walked into the library, looking a bit suspicious. Brock watched as he carefully moved around everything until he found a shelf that just so happened to be in front of Brock.

Brock didn't know if he was just oblivious to the fact that someone was watching him, or if the man did realize it and just ignored him. Either way, it was amusing to see him walking around like he was a spy trying to not get caught.

He flipped through some of the books before taking something out of his coat and putting it in the shelf. He then hurriedly walked off and out of the library. Brock, confused, walked over and grabbed the item.

It was a copy of what looked to be a manuscript. Brock looked at the frame to see that it wasn't one of the library's manuscripts; it didn't have a label on it or anything. Nonetheless, he flipped through it anyways.

He found out that it was a book about a gang in Los Santos, California that did heists and ran from the police and all that. The characters amused Brock:

There was Vanoss, the Canadian group leader that was obsessed with owls;
Delirious, the crazy clown/Jason Vorhees knockoff;
Wildcat, the gun crazy one that was always screaming and cursing; Terroriser, which was basically an Irish Terminator;
Lui, the squeaker;
Basically, apparently the only black guy in the group that raged a lot;
Daithi, the Irishman that everyone picked on because he always fucked everything up;
Mini, the Brit who was also always screaming;
And finally, Brock's favorite, Moo, which was the medic, who also made a lot of puns.

Brock smiled and chuckled a bit every time Moo came into play. He continued to read until he realized that this wasn't the full story. Who would just leave part of a story in a library?

Brock shrugged it off and put it on his desk. He wondered if the man who wrote it would ever come back to retrieve it, or finish it, for that matter. Brock sighed and just left it on the desk and waited for his shift to be over.


The next day, when Brock came into the library for his shift, he immediately saw something sticking out in the corner of his eye. He turned to see that it was another part of the story that he was reading the previous day. Brock smiled a little and pulled it out of the bookshelf. He went back to his desk and started to read.

There wasn't as much story in this one, just some more characters were introduced.

There was Ohm, the mysterious masked figure;
Cartoonz, the one-eyed devil that was best friends with Delirious;
Bryce, the innocent one of the group; and Droiid, the Mexican that was confused at everything and just wanted to go to a place called 'Cockatoos'.

Brock chuckled at the bit of story that they had. He put the two copies together to make a make-shift booklet thing. Brock then waited for the rest of the day to go by. And during that time, he never saw the man who had put the unfinished book in the bookshelves.

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